The Arms Race begins 1945- 1955


Mapa Mental sobre The Arms Race begins 1945- 1955, criado por Sophia Hinchliffe em 03-06-2017.
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Mapa Mental por Sophia Hinchliffe , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Criado por Sophia Hinchliffe mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Arms Race begins 1945- 1955
  1. The USA had the advantage of the atomic bomb and its power was obvious when it ended WW2
    1. Competition soon developed as both sides were keen to develop new and more powerful nuclear weapons
      1. In 1949 the USSR tested their own atomic bomb and so both competed to develop the more powerful hydrogen bomb
        1. Competition was also on how best to deliver the bombs, the USA had a co-ordinated fleet of bomber planes in western Europe but in the 1950s the Soviets were ahead with the development of missiles
          1. It was a central part of the rivalry between the superpowers and was a source of tension and anxiety so both sides spied on each other and tried to get ahead by developing new weapons and technology
            1. If a war broke out it would have been the most destructive in history raising the stakes
              1. The risks were extremely high and may have mad the war less likely as both sides new how bad it would be


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