Undergraduate degree Psychology (The psychology of addictive behaviour) Mapa Mental sobre Models of addictive behaviour, criado por Brendan Williams em 23-05-2014.
Prefrontal cortex - plans
to create pleasure again
Black et al - first degree
relatives of pathological gamblers
more at risk than distant relatives
Noble et al - A1 variant on DRD2 gene
of 2/3 deceased alcoholics, only on 1/5
non alcoholics - gene for addiction
Able to explain how people with the same
experiences don't all develop addiction. More
vulnerable to initiation/more resistant to treatment
Ignores factors such as peer pressure in initiation.
Combined with diathesis stress more appropriate
Breen & Zimmerman - unable to explain why different types of gambling are more
addictive. Horse racing more addictive, three years later video gambling more addictive
Paris et al - pathological gamblers have
no cortisol increase to gambling stimuli
Hormone associated with stress
Individual differences in optimal stimulation
Zuckerman - high sensation seekers have lower
appreciation of risk. Anticipate arousal more positively
than low sensation seekers - more likely to gamble
Bonnaire et al - gamblers at race
tracks higher sensation seekers
than card players in cafes
Relapse - vulnerability to
boredom can lead to gambling
Blaszczynski et al - gamblers had higher
boredom proneness scores than control
No significant difference between types of gambling
Initiation - genetics
play a role
Vink et el - individual differences in
initiation 44% genetics, 56% environment
Boardman - DZ twins 42% heritability for smoking
Thorgeirsson et al - variant on chromosome 15
that influences number of cigarettes smoked,
nicotine dependence & risk of related diseases
Not only determines initiation, also affects dependence
Individuals could be screened for
genetic vulnerability to decrease
chances of starting smoking behaviour
Gartner et al - only weak association
between genes & smoking - screening
unlikely to be successful
Maintenance - individual
differences in nicotine metabolism
Vink et al - nicotine cases dopamine release, behaviour
must be repeated to avoid withdrawal symptoms
Buka et al - mothers who smoked during pregnancy doubled
child's risk of smoking addiction if they started smoking
Xian et al - 54% risk for quit
failure inherited
Lerman et al - ASP40 variant made
smokers with high dosage of NRT x2
more likely to quit than lower NRT levels
Effect not found in those without
variant - genetic testing allows choice
of most appropriate treatment
Ignores social context of behviour
The learning approach
Initation - operant conditioning - addiction
comes from rewards received. psychological
- near miss, social - peer praise
Generally don't win, greater
weight on experience of winning
Individual differences in types of
gambling not explained, scratch cards -
short time period little skill, sport betting -
long time period increased skill
Nower et al - behaviourally
conditioned gamblers (peers & role
models) least severe addiction & are
more willing to receive treatment
Emotionally vulnerable gamblers
underlying anxiety/depression, poor
coping skills. More resistant to treatment
Maintenance - intermittent
reinforcement means gamblers become
used to long time without payout
Lambos et al - social
reinforcement also
provides reinforcement
Only a partial explanation - unable to
explain why though most people will
sometimes gamble, few become addicts
Relapse - addicts associate stimuli with
their addiction, providing conditional cues
Exposure to conditional cues
increase chance of relapse
Fulfilment of gambling needs
dependent on ability to control
arousal & need for reinforcement
Adaptive behaviours learnt to
calculate advantage on average
Initation - social learning - role models
influence the likelihood of addictive behaviour
People begin smoking because their
peers do, positive social expectations
Mayeux - 16 year old males, relationship
between smoking & popularity 2 years later
Diblasio & Benda - smokers more
likely to hang out with other smokers
Karcher & Finn - parents smoking
doubled likelihood of smoking,
peers smoking x8 likelihood
NIDA - 90% American smokers started
in teens, mainly from observing peers
Winett et al - role models with
higher social status more likely to
influence those of lower social status
Brynner - media images of smoking
made it appear more attractive & tough
Relapse - conditioned cues, such as smell of
cigarette smoke increase likelihood of relapse
Lawrance & Rubinson - frequent
smokers have less self confidence in
abstinence & more likely to relapse
Lopez et al - there is gender bias in
research as addiction development
is different in men & women
Maintenance - classical conditioning - repetition
leads to conditioned association with sensory aspects
of smoking & reinforcing properties of nicotine
Conditioned stimuli activate
same part of the brain as
nicotine, making quitting hard
Thewissen et al - placed smokers in
rooms either with/without smoking cues.
Cues produced greater urge to smoke
Drummond et al - producing cues without
nicotine reinforcement can create stimulus
discrimination, association extinguished
The cognitive approach
Initiation - expectancy theory -
expectations of outcomes of
behaviour contribute to excessive use
Able to explain
loss of control
Kassel et al - teens
think smoking when
they're in a bad mood
Brandon & Baker -
they expect smoking
will improve mood
Not seen as a loss of control,
only an excessive behaviour
Addiction often involves loss of
control, cannot be explained
how expectancies affect this
Rational choice theory -
addictive behaviour occurs
after weighing up pros & cons
Gambling the exception as
monies lost should cause offset
Pleasure received
may offset this
Maintenance - automatic processing - as addiction
develops, conscious thoughts less important
Explains the loss of control & difficulty abstaining
Tate et al - expectancies can be
manipulated to prevent relapse
NRT treatment effectiveness
not always consistent
Moolchan et al - NRT only effective when combined
with CBT to change expectancies of smoking
Relapse - expectations of cost benefit
will affect likelihood of quitting
Individuals who see many benefits in smoking more likely to relapse after quitting
Juliano & Brandon - smokers
have greater expectancies of
smoking improving mood &
cutting craving. More positive
effect on weight control -
expantancies not generalised to
NRT explain poor success rate
Initation - gambling behaviour used for self medicaiton
Gelkopf et al - individuals use
pathological behaviour to treat
psychological symptoms
Behaviour perceived
to help with issue
Mood regulation
Performance management
Brandon - addictive
behavior influenced more by
unconscious expectations
Li et al - pathological gamblers
who gambled to escape more likely
to have other addictions
Self medication states one behaviour must precede the other
Becona et al - comorbidity of depression & gambling
Correlation does not show causality,
depression may be due to financial difficulties
Maintenance - irrational beliefs - overestimate how much they think they can alter outcome
Gamblers fallacy - cognitive distortion
probability changes based on recent events
Illusions of control
Langer - gamblers overestimate skill in chance situations
Exaggerated self confidence in
beating the system & success
due to skill not chance
Griffiths - regular gamblers made more irrational
verbalisations such as 'only putting in a pound fools
the machine' & 'this fruity is not in a good mood'
Described losses as near misses
Benhasin & Ladoucer - no difference in cognitive
distortions of students in/not in statistics
Delfabbro et al - irrational cognitions in gamblers but
just as accurate in calculating odds as non gamblers
Blanco et al - gamblers remember &
overestimate wins, rationalise losses
String of losses not a negative, gamblers feel they will eventually be rewarded -
just world hypothesis, they deserve to win
Treatment should involve targeting
underlying issue & motivation