The Mission Critical Site


Choosing a location for a Data Centre is crutial
Zaid Bester
Mapa Mental por Zaid Bester, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Zaid Bester
Criado por Zaid Bester aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Mission Critical Site
  1. Downtime and it's consequences
    1. Data Centres created a huge loss for businesses and it's customers, especially where one is becoming more reliant on IT
    2. Data Centre Value at stack
      1. Quick estimate calculation is Revenue/(hr/year) eg: Revenue/8760
        1. Conduct a business impact analysis annually
      2. Risk fators
        1. Heat
          1. Cold
            1. Flooding
              1. Eathquake
                1. Lightning
                  1. Air polution contamination
          2. Equipment failure
            1. Human errors
              1. Sabotage
                1. Terrorism
                  1. Network saturation
                    1. Viruses / Hackers
          3. Main Causes of Downtime and failures
            1. Human error and hardware main causes of downtime
            2. Predominant causes of Downtime and failures
              1. Human Error
                1. No or pooly executed processes and work instructions
                  1. unauthorized access
                    1. Accidents
                      1. Unnoticed Alarms
                2. Power quality issues
                  1. Poor voltage/current/frequency regulation
                    1. High level of common and normal mode noise
                      1. Harmonics
                  2. EMF
                    1. High radiation levels from power cables/UPS/transformers/PDU
                      1. Lightning,etc
                    2. Environmental Conditions
                      1. Temperature / Humidity
                        1. Wrong cooling principles
                          1. High levels of contamination


                    Data Center Week Assessment
                    Medidas e Medições
                    Alessandra S.
                    O QUE ESTUDAR PARA OAB
                    Maria José
                    Inglês para Concursos Públicos
                    Alessandra S.
                    Direito Constitucional - Brutal - Tribunais
                    Rômulo Campos
                    As moléculas orgânicas e inorgânicas
                    Heres Oliveira
                    Vocabulário Inglês Básico_1
                    Felipe Penha
                    Simulado Geral de contabilidade
                    Alessandra S.
                    Cinética Química
                    GoConqr suporte .
                    Revisão 2- PROVA DE SARGENTO - MARINHA - EA-HSG - ( Com Verificação )
                    Nilzeir Reis