Strategies for Yogurt Manufacturing


Mapa Mental sobre Strategies for Yogurt Manufacturing, criado por Esperanza Mafla em 14-06-2017.
Esperanza Mafla
Mapa Mental por Esperanza Mafla, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Esperanza Mafla
Criado por Esperanza Mafla mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Strategies for Yogurt Manufacturing
  1. Pretreatments of Yogurt Milk
    1. Milk Reception
      1. Acidity Control
        1. Mastitis Control
          1. Control of Antibiotic Residues
            1. Control of Bacteriological Quality of Milk
          2. Standardization of Solids Nonfat (SNF) Content of Yogurt Milk Base ...........
            1. Boiling
              1. Addition of MP .
                1. Addition of BP
                  1. Addition of Whey-Derived Powders
                    1. Addition of Caseinates
                      1. Vacuum Evaporation
                        1. Membrane Techniques
                        2. Additives
                          1. Fat Substitutes
                            1. Stabilizers
                              1. Sweeteners
                                1. Addition of Preservatives
                                2. Heat Treatment
                                  1. Effect of Heat Treatment on Milk Protein
                                    1. Interactions and Gel Formation
                                      1. Characteristics of Yogurt
                                      2. Effect of Heat Treatment on the Textural Properties of Yogurt
                                      3. HOMOGENEZATION
                                        1. Heat Treatment
                                          1. Effect of Heat Treatment on Milk Protein Interactions and Gel Formation Characteristics of Yogurt
                                            1. Effect of Heat Treatment on the Textural Properties of Yogurt
                                            2. Fermentation
                                              1. Microbiology of Fermentation
                                                1. Mechanism of Gel Formation
                                                  1. Cooling
                                                    1. Addition of Fruit Preparations
                                                      1. Packaging


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