The Treaty of Versailles


A level History (Weimar) Mapa Mental sobre The Treaty of Versailles, criado por Ellen Turner em 17-06-2017.
Ellen Turner
Mapa Mental por Ellen Turner, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ellen Turner
Criado por Ellen Turner mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Treaty of Versailles
  1. Terms
    1. Territorial losses
      1. Alsace - Lorraine
        1. Danzig
          1. Colonies
          2. The Rhineland
            1. Demilitarised
            2. The Saarland
              1. taken for 15 yrs then plebiscite
              2. Anschluss forbidden
                1. Disarmament
                  1. 100,000 in army
                    1. 15,000 in Navy
                    2. Article 231
                      1. accept all blame
                      2. Lost 13% of territory and lots of industry
                      3. German Reactions
                        1. Betrayal
                          1. was military power
                            1. Close to winning
                            2. Humiliation
                              1. War guilt clause
                                1. Told Allied policy of encirclement
                              2. Reparations will cripple
                                1. Self determination hypocritical
                                  1. Justification
                                    1. Expectations unrealistic
                                      1. Clemenceau wanted harsher
                                        1. Brest-Litovsk was harsher
                                          1. 14 Pts
                                            1. Alsace - Lorraine
                                              1. Poland with sea
                                              2. Germany would have been harsher on Allies
                                            2. Political Crisis of 1919
                                              1. Politicians disliked
                                                1. Ammendments rejected
                                                  1. 1 Week to accept
                                                    1. Scheidemann wanted to reject
                                                      1. Reichstag felt trapped into accepting
                                                        1. Scheidemann resigned
                                                      2. Hindenburg redo with military
                                                        1. Ebert would do this
                                                          1. Groener said wouldn't work
                                                            1. Accepted
                                                      3. Reaction of Right
                                                        1. Couldn't accept on top of democracy
                                                          1. Extremism
                                                            1. Freikorps
                                                          2. New Gov illegitimate
                                                            1. Politicians = November Criminals
                                                              1. Stab in the Back theory
                                                              2. Republican reaction
                                                                1. Policy of fulfilment
                                                                  1. Follow treaty outwardly
                                                                    1. Secretly renegotiate
                                                                    2. Unimpressed
                                                                      1. Alienated moderates
                                                                        1. Betrayal
                                                                      2. Foreign Reactions
                                                                        1. UK
                                                                          1. defended Naval interests
                                                                            1. Lloyd George
                                                                              1. Barrier against communism
                                                                                1. "Hang the Kaiser"
                                                                              2. France
                                                                                1. Wanted revenge
                                                                                  1. Public thought too lenient
                                                                                  2. USA
                                                                                    1. Too harsh
                                                                                      1. Blamed others
                                                                                      2. Wasn't ratified
                                                                                        1. peace in 1921


                                                                                    Weimar Revision
                                                                                    Tom Mitchell
                                                                                    Hitler's Chancellorship
                                                                                    Weimar Germany 1919: The Spartacists and the constitution
                                                                                    Chris Clayton
                                                                                    Conferences of the Cold War
                                                                                    Alina A
                                                                                    Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
                                                                                    Alina A
                                                                                    The Berlin Crisis
                                                                                    Alina A
                                                                                    The Weimar Republic, 1919-1929
                                                                                    3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
                                                                                    Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
                                                                                    Adam Collinge
                                                                                    History of Medicine: Ancient Ideas
                                                                                    James McConnell
                                                                                    GCSE History – Social Impact of the Nazi State in 1945
                                                                                    Ben C