Boilogy 1-3 Mindmap


Mapa Mental sobre Boilogy 1-3 Mindmap, criado por Kyeon Seok Rou em 21-06-2017.
Kyeon Seok Rou
Mapa Mental por Kyeon Seok Rou, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kyeon Seok Rou
Criado por Kyeon Seok Rou aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Boilogy 1-3 Mindmap
  1. Biology 1 - Characteristics of living organism
    1. Biology - Study of living organisms and their enviorment
      1. MRS GREEN
        1. Movement
          1. Respiration
            1. Sensitivity
              1. Growth
                1. Reproduction
                  1. Excretion
                    1. Nutrition
                      1. Give us energy and tissue repair
                        1. Absorbed and assimilated
                          1. Autotrophs ( Plants + Algae)
                            1. Heterotrophs (Animals)
                              1. Saprotroph (Bacteria + Fungi)
                          2. Needed for 'species' to survive
                            1. A group of organisms capable and producing fertile offspring
                              1. Asexual reproduction - Gametes not used
                                1. Sexual reproduction - Joining gametes
                            2. Grow as number of its cells increase
                        2. Glucose + Oxygen = CO2 + H2O (+ Energy)
                          1. Animals move to obtain food or find mates - Plants can also move (Mimusa Pudica)
                            1. Internal movements of Organelles and fluids, and external movement (Locomotion)
                              1. Some animals are sessile, or move very little
                          2. Living things response to changes in the enviorment
                            1. e.g. Plant grow toward light
                            2. Composed of cells
                              1. Levels of organization
                                1. Adaptation to enviorment (Evolution)
                                  1. Maintain homeostasis (pH,Temp., salinity)
                              2. Bionomial Nomenclature
                                1. Carolus Von Linnaeus - Swedish
                                  1. Genus - Capitalized, underlined or Italicized
                                    1. Species - Lower case, underlined or italicized
                                      1. Taxonomic categories
                                        1. Kingdom
                                          1. Phylum
                                            1. Class
                                              1. Order
                                                1. Familiy
                                                  1. Genus
                                                    1. Species
                                          2. Monera (Bacteria), Protista (single cells organism), Plantae, Fungi, Animalia
                                    2. Biology 2 - Cells
                                      1. Living organisms are made up of cells
                                        1. Animal cells
                                          1. Cell membrane that surround nucleus and cytoplasm
                                            1. Nucleus contains chormosomes
                                            2. Red Blood Cell - Biconcave, no nucleus, Haemoglobin
                                            3. Plant cell
                                              1. Vacuole, filled with cell sap - Cellulose - Starch grains storage - Chloroplast
                                                1. Osmosis - Diffusion in water, plants take in water by osmosis
                                                  1. Water Potential Gradient
                                                    1. When WPG is lower in the cell than the surrounding, it can absorb water
                                                      1. WPG in cells are higher in leaves than roots
                                                2. 1665, Robert Hooke observed bark cells using simple microscope
                                                  1. 1675, Anton van Leeuwenhoek first observed living cell, RBC
                                                  2. Cells are usually 10-100um.
                                                    1. 1mm = 1000um
                                                  3. Biology 3 - Enzymes
                                                    1. Proteins that are biological catalysts
                                                      1. Too much heat can denature, and too little heat will make it slower to act
                                                        1. Extreme pH will denature the enzymes
                                                          1. Denature - Change of active site so it can no longer take in the substrate


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