Putting the Case Study in Context


Degree Introduction to health and social care (Block 1) Mapa Mental sobre Putting the Case Study in Context, criado por Charlie_eeyore em 16-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por Charlie_eeyore, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Charlie_eeyore quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Putting the Case Study in Context
  1. 6 million people provide unpaid care, around 12%
    1. 68% care for up to 19hpw
      1. 11% care for between 20-49hpw
        1. 21% care for over 50hpw
        2. 58% are women, 42 % men
          1. 51% care for someone they share a home with
            1. 57% provide help with mobility
              1. 22% give medicines
                1. 71% provide other help
                  1. 70% of those on the recieveing end are over the age of 65
                    1. 38% care for parents
                      1. 18% care for spouses or partners
                        1. Young people who recive care often have the same feeling as an older person
                          1. Feeling a burden
                            1. Over protected adb cinstrained by their families
                            2. Fear
                              1. over a future when parents are no longer around to care for them
                              2. Isolation
                                1. Dont go out, there fore have no friends, limited visitors due to disability
                                2. Choice
                                  1. Varies on individual, some fight to be able to socialise, where as others except that this is teh way it is going to be
                                    1. asserting their need to develop own indempendence
                                  2. Hussain et all (2002)
                                    1. Young Asian disabled people
                                    2. Parents caring for children
                                      1. Determined to look after themsleves, know help is there
                                        1. mistake of doing everything for her, made it too easy
                                          1. Tried to make him independent
                                            1. Family can ancipate the worse 'why did you bring her here'
                                              1. Relucatnt of community to help and support unlike Pakistan


                                              Block 1 Key Points
                                              Social care, Who pays?, Who decides?
                                              Entering the world of social care
                                              Being Ill
                                              Maslows Hierarchy of needs
                                              Care in Families: Why it matters
                                              Block 1 end of unit check lists
                                              Experiencing Family Care
                                              Healthcare in Changing times
                                              This caring buisness
                                              Changing Families, Changing Care