PR Theory and Practice


Week 1 - Introduction, history, origin, founders and overview of profession
Palesa Mphaki
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Resumo de Recurso

PR Theory and Practice
  1. History/Origin
    1. Thomas Jefferson - 1807 first combined the words 'PUBLIC and RELATIONS'
      1. PR in print - 1897
        1. Edward Bernays - First Public Relations counsel in 1921
          1. Wrote first PR book- Crystallizing public opinion
            1. Taught PR college course at NYU
              1. Believes PR involves mass psychology - Influencing the opinions of masses
            2. PR Founders (3)
              1. Edwards Bernays
                1. George Creel - Committee of PR
                  1. Ivy Lee - First to practice PR publicly and stipulated importance of PR Code of Ethics. Invented the 'press release'. Clients included John D Rockefeller and Hitler (Indirectly
                  2. PR Uses Through History
                    1. Promote Wars
                      1. Raise money
                        1. Publicise people and events
                          1. Promote religion
                            1. Influence mass media
                            2. PR Tactics
                              1. Use of rhetoric
                                1. Symbols
                                  1. Mass Media + Technology
                                    1. Slogans
                                    2. 5 Stages of PR in USA
                                      1. 1) Preliminary
                                        1. Development of Communication channels
                                          1. PR Tactics eg. Publicity and promotion
                                          2. 2) Communicating/Initiating
                                            1. Publicists, press agents, promoters
                                            2. 3) Reacting/Responding
                                              1. Writers as spokespeople
                                                1. PR on behalf of special interests
                                                2. 4) Planning/Preventing
                                                  1. Maturing of PR as a management function
                                                  2. 5) Professionalism
                                                    1. Control over use of practice at International level
                                                      1. Body of Knowledge, Code of Ethics, Formal PR Education
                                                    2. PR Profession
                                                      1. 1980 - Present
                                                        1. Reagon Presidency = New and controlled uses of PR
                                                          1. PR began merging with Advertising firms which lead to 'full service' agencies
                                                            1. Globalisation = Global PR = Global branding = Global marketing = Global strategies and tactics
                                                            2. PR Future Outlook
                                                              1. Employment for PR specialists set to rise faster than average in 2012
                                                                1. Increase use of technology
                                                                  1. New challenges: Openness, positive relationships, safety and security
                                                                    1. Loss of local content due to comparison to international content = multiculturalism


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