The Haber process


A Levels Chemistry C3 Mapa Mental sobre The Haber process, criado por dpatel383 em 18-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por dpatel383, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por dpatel383 quase 12 anos atrás

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The Haber process
  1. main use of ammonia is to make fertiliser.... fertiliser increase the yield of crops and are very important in making sure that we can grow enough food to feed everyone on the planet
    1. Ammonia is made by the reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen
      1. Nitrogen is obtained by fractional distilation of liquified air (78% nitrogen) hydrogen often made from natural gas (methane or other souces like oil)
        1. The reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen to make ammonia is slow and reversible...this produces a very low yield of ammonia
          1. Haber came up with a process to produce large amounts of ammonia from this reaction by changing the conditions to move the equilibrium position of the reaction futher to the right and speed it up
            1. Hydrogen and nitrogen are passed over an iron catalyst at a pressure of 200 atmospheres and a tempof 450 degrees celcius. These are the optimum conditions for making ammonia
              1. The temp of 450 os used as a compromise. the forward reaction is exothermic and lower temp give higher yield of ammonia ....HOWEVER this reaction is slow and higher temps are needed to produce ammonia at a good rate ; 450 is used as a compromise to strike a balance between the yield and the rate of reaction
                1. The pressure of 200 is also a compromise... as there are fewer gas molecules on the right of the equation...higher pressure gives more ammonia .....HOEVER high pressure is very expensive ; large amounts of energy are needed to create the high pressure and the apparatus needed to withstand high pressues is very expensive ... 200 atmospheres is used as a compromise between cost and yield
                  1. Iron - catalyst. The catalyst does not change the yield of ammonia but it increases the rate of reaction
        2. The forward reaction is exothermic and so lower temp and higher yield of ammonia. more gas molecules on the left of the equilibrium so the higher the pressure the higher the yield of ammonia
          1. After the reaction the equilibrium mixture is cooled. ammonia has a higher boiling point than hydrogen and nitrogen and so will liquefy first as the mixture is cooled . Liquid ammonia is then removed from the mixture and the left over nitrogen and hydrogen is recycled to make more ammonia
            1. Ammonia production requires massive amounts of energy. The haber process provides the optimum conditions to ensure that energy is used efficently. efficent use of energy saves money and has less environmental impact
            2. many industrial processes involve equilibrium reactions. as with the haber process the reaction conditions chosen in each case are a compromise between geeting a good yield, having the reaction happen quickly and keeping the energy input down whilst minimising the impact on the environment


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