Aim: Use HBM model to explain mother’s adherence to a drug regimen for their
asthmatic children. Methodology: •Correlation design. 111 mothers, interviewed for
45mins. •Some participants had a blood test, confirming the adherence.
Findings: positive correlation between mother’s belief about child’s susceptibility to
asthma attacks. Also Mothers were more likely to comply, the greater the mother’s
education and if married, the more likely she would be to keep to the prescribed routine
for administering the medication. .
Conclusion: The HBM is a useful model to predict and explain different levels of compliance with medical
regimes. Evaluation: •Biased sample, not representative of the general population. Also leading questions
used. •High in ecological validity as the children already had asthma. •High in validity due to blood tests
confirming adherence
Locus of control
Aim: To find out whether locus of control affects our health beliefs •Internal locus
of control: individual controls their health themselves. •External locus of control:
Your behaviour is guided by fate and external circumstances
Procedure: He reviewed 6 pieces of research , which had all investigated an individuals perceptions of the
extent to which they could control the outcome of their behaviour, in different situations.
Findings: Participants with an internal locus of control were more likely to show behaviours that would enable
them to cope with potential threats, than participants who thought that chance determined the effects of their
Conclusion: Locus of control would affect many of our behaviours, not just health behaviour. Evaluation:
•Reductionist, doesn't take in external factors as to why people do/don't adopt healthy life styles. •Low in
validity due to the use of a review article.
self efficacy
Aim: To assess the self-efficacy of patients undergoing systematic desensitisation in relation to their
behaviour with previously phobic objects Methodology: A controlled quasi-experiment with 10 patients with
snake phobias aged 19-57
Findings: Higher levels of post-test self-efficacy were found to correlate with higher levels of interaction with
Conclusion: Systematic desensitisation enhanced self-efficacy levels, which in turn led to a belief that the
participant were able to cope with the phobic stimulus of a snake.
Evaluation: •All three theories can be accused of being reductionist because it ignores other key influences.
•Natural experiment therefore cause and effect cannot be established. •Only 10 participants (1 male) therefore
this cannot be representative of the general population. •Also they had replied to a newspaper ad potentially
meaning that they had time on there hands and this could of lead to the outcome of biased answers.
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