Wind Energy


Mapa Mental sobre Wind Energy, criado por Tizi Crea em 21-08-2017.
Tizi Crea
Mapa Mental por Tizi Crea, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tizi Crea
Criado por Tizi Crea mais de 7 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Wind Energy
  1. The creator of wind energy : Charles Francis Brush
    1. When it was created? : 1888
      1. Wind energy is the oldest kind of energy
        1. In the first oil crisis Europe was interested in renewable energy
    2. How does it work?
      1. At first a study says the places that usually have wind
        1. After that mills with three propellers are placed
          1. The wind, moves the propellers and produces mechanical energy
      2. Pictures

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