Virtual Learning Environments English II


Recognition forum
Hernando Reina Mora
Mapa Mental por Hernando Reina Mora, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hernando Reina Mora
Criado por Hernando Reina Mora aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Virtual Learning Environments English II
  1. Starting Information Environment
    1. Course presentation
      1. How to navigate in the classroom (Folder)
        1. Course agenda (URL)
          1. Course presentation (Folder)
            1. Duties and rights (choice)
            2. Informative forums
              1. Course news forum
                1. Course general forum
              2. Knowledge Environment
                1. Learning program
                  1. Course syllabus (folder)
                  2. Documentary sources
                    1. Course units
                      1. Unit 1 Giving advange
                        1. 1.1. Fasten your sear belt
                          1. 1.2. You should keep your passport
                            1. 1.3. What's she weather like?
                              1. 1.4. Going on a trip
                                1. 1.5. What did you do last weekend?
                                2. Unit 2: Getting a job
                                  1. 2.1. Summer jobs
                                    1. 2.2. Job interview
                                      1. 2.3. At the supermarket
                                        1. 2.4. At the restaurant
                                          1. 2.5. What's on the news?
                                      2. Course glosary
                                      3. Collaborative Learning Envornment
                                        1. Teacher's monitoring
                                          1. Synchronous assessment by webconference
                                            1. Synchronous support by skype
                                              1. In situ accompaniment
                                              2. Learning strategy development
                                                1. Unit 1. Giving advice. Act. 1: Recognition task forum
                                                  1. Activity guide unit 1. Act. 1 Recognition task forum folder
                                                  2. Unit 2. Getting a job. Act. 3: Writing task forum
                                                    1. Activity guide unit 2. Act. 3 writing task forum folder
                                                    2. Unit 1. Giving advice. Act. 5: Speaking task forum
                                                      1. Activity guice unit 1. Giving advice. Act. 5 speaking task folder
                                                  3. Practice Learning Environment
                                                    1. Speaking Guide
                                                      1. Guide for the use of educational resources
                                                      2. Practice Activities
                                                        1. Practice link page
                                                      3. Monitoring and Evaluation Environment
                                                        1. Professional competences evidences
                                                          1. Initial Evaluation
                                                            1. Unit 1. Act.. 1. Recognition task forum assignment
                                                              1. Unit 1. Act. 2. Pre-knowledge task quizz Files Unit 1.
                                                                1. Act. 2. Pre-knowledge task book
                                                              2. Intermediate Evaluation
                                                                1. Unit 2. Act. 3. Writing task forum assignment
                                                                  1. Unit 1. Act. 4.Task: Giving advice quiz
                                                                    1. Files Unit 1. Act.4
                                                                    2. Unit 1. Act. 5. Speaking task assignment
                                                                      1. Unit 2. Act. 6. Task: Getting a job! quiz
                                                                        1. Files Unit 2. Act. 6
                                                                        2. Units 1-2. Act. 7. Task: General course review quiz
                                                                          1. Units 1-2. Act. 8. Task: Oral and written production review quiz
                                                                          2. Final Evaluation
                                                                            1. Units 1 and 2. Act. 9. Final Evaluation quiz
                                                                              1. files Units 1 and 2.
                                                                        3. Student's Management Environment
                                                                          1. Academic Management
                                                                            1. Academic news (URL)
                                                                              1. Laboratory scheduling (URL)
                                                                                1. Programs and tuitios (URL)
                                                                                  1. Saber Pro - ICFES (URL)
                                                                                    1. Investigation management system (URL)
                                                                                    2. Administrative Management
                                                                                      1. Students network (URL)
                                                                                        1. Unique application format - UAF (FUS) URL
                                                                                          1. Registration and Tuition (URL)
                                                                                            1. Virtual campus authentication process (URL)
                                                                                              1. Student services (URL)
                                                                                                1. UNAD Services (URL)
                                                                                                  1. Users care system - UCS (SAU) URL
                                                                                                    1. National registration and academic control system (URL)


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