Criado por Amelia Edwards
mais de 11 anos atrás
Racism experienced all over USA: mainly in South
Jim Crow Laws made people 'separate but equal'
Voting virtually impossible : - Poll Tax- IQ Tests
Unemployment: 60% - little change
KKK:- lynchings- violence
Many migrated to North:- Lived in Ghettos (Harlem)- Poorly Paid
Overall: slow rate of change - however society indicated a desire for change
1920's and 1930's
WW2 = Roosevelt forced to ban discrimination in industrial jobs
1942, James Farmer - CORE: -12% registered to vote after CORE (3% before)
1949 Harry Truman created 'Fair Deal': Built upon 'New Deal' (Roosevelt -30's) Aimed to: -Increase employment to capacity -Provide assistance to farmers -Extend social security
Struggle for equality - confirmed public desire for change
1954 - NAACP challenged the Supreme Court to desegregate schools - Linda Brown
Legal change not societal
1955 Emmett Till: tortured to death - huge publicity & outraged the public
Event split USA: North vs South
MLK found fame - 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott
Huge law and societal changes
1961 - CORE organised freedom rides: - Black + White people joined - Huge publicity - John F Kennedy sent 500 marshals to protect 'freedom riders' -Faced violence
Ended segregation in all transport stations - 1963 (Huge change)
Birmingham Council closed all public parks in 1962: -Peaceful protestors -'Bull' Conner attacked them -Negative public opinion towards racism. Societal desire for change
Watt Riots 1965, 35 killed
1968 Mexico Olympics - Tommie Smith/John Carlos raised BPM fists
MLK 1963 - March on Washington, 'I have a dream' speech
1970,80 and 90's
Media industry = huge change
'Black stars':Mohammed Ali, Morgan Freeman and Beyonce.
Continuity - Education/Economics
1978 - hardly any integrated schools (slow rate) since legal change - 1954
1990: average income of black family - less than 1/2 of white family - lack of equality
Many successful black business men/doctors: some change
1992 Rodney King videoed being beaten up by the police.
Police not charged: sparked riots - 1992, 53 killed & 9'000 arrested (LA riots)
These acts represent huge amount of continuity - proves although it was thought USA = racial equality, not completely achieved.
1920/30 and 1940
1950 and 1960
1970,80 and 90
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