Despite its popularity at the time, the Beveridge Report contained some significant drawbacks. What were the strengths and limitations in Beveridge’s vision, and how have later policies addressed these drawbacks?


EXAM QUESTIONS Notas sobre Despite its popularity at the time, the Beveridge Report contained some significant drawbacks. What were the strengths and limitations in Beveridge’s vision, and how have later policies addressed these drawbacks?, criado por Jen Collins em 31-05-2013.
Jen Collins
Notas por Jen Collins, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jen Collins
Criado por Jen Collins mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

STRENGTHS: unified the country into addressing post war problems tackled issues of poverty and inequality - 5 giant evils put in place a benefit sysem avaliable to all at a flat rate set so evryone could live to a minimum standard gave hope to war weary country when they were ready for a new more just society percieved to be based on a system open to everyone that wld give everyone peace of mind. TACKLING 5 GIANT EVILS (WIIDS) WANT - Nat ASS Act 1948, NHS 1946, Nat Ins Act 1946 IGNORANCE - Education Act 1944 IDLENESS - Through policy of full employment DISEASE - NHS Act 1946 (can to fruition 1948, 5th July) SQUALOR - Housing Act 1946 LIMITATIONS Failed to take into account changing role of women in society (1960' +70's) - no longer SAHM Had limited scope for social care Didn't consider the costs of tackling the 5 giants - failed to consdier impact of reforms on the economy Didn't consider those who couldn't work - carers, disabled Expected women to leave jobs frm war yrs so men could take over - not full employmnet then. LATER POLICIES: Seebhomn 1968 - no longer a fragmented welfare state, now had a unified social services with a single S/S dept in each local authority - LOCAL AUTHORITY S/S ACT 1970 New Right - attempted to address probs created by creation of welfare state through 1983(?) NHS reform - creating a care market, other legislation- Right to buy (reducing amt of stock housing), 1985 Housing Act (decreased value of housing benefit), 1990 NHS and Community Care Act - deinst. community care cheaper. Introduction of care market to drive down spending

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