

Cambridge IGCSE History (Cold War) Notas sobre Conferences, criado por Konrad O'Neill em 12-07-2013.
Konrad O'Neill
Notas por Konrad O'Neill, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Konrad O'Neill
Criado por Konrad O'Neill mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Teheran - Nov 43 Situation at meetingKnew they'd win cos Germany beginning to lose battleWhat they agreed on-Britain and USA open second front in France-USSR to wage war with Jpan after Germany's defeat-Area Poland andded to USSR-UN to be set up post warWhat they disagreed on-Churchill didn't want to open a 2nd front-Churchill angry with Roosevelt cos he kept agreeing with Stalin

Yalta- Feb 45Situation at meeting2nd front openedWhat they agreed on-Divide Germany+Berlin into 4 zones-Hunt and try Nazi war criminals in an international court of justice-set up UN-allow countries no longer under Nazi control to choose government. eg PolandWhat they disagreed on-How much Germany to pay back. USSR more than UK & USA-Polish border closer West-persuade Stalin for free elections in Poland-Poland to protect USSR

Potsdam- Jul 45Situation at meetingWar in Europe endedWhat they agreed on-Demilitarise Germany-Re-establish democracy in Germany- Germany to pay reparations-Ban Nazi party-Participate fully in UN-Poland's border moved west near River Oder and NeisseWhat they disagreed on-Stalin wanted massive compensation which would have crippled Germany-Truman refused for Germany to be barrier for both sides- Truman wanted free elections in Soviet Occupation-Truman began "get tough" policy against USSR

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