Activities with corpus


University Linguistics II Notas sobre Activities with corpus, criado por angel.cardenas.r em 23-10-2014.
Notas por angel.cardenas.r, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por angel.cardenas.r aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Objective:Students will analyze the different situations given in the material and come up with other situation that the collocation can be used.     Activity. Work in teams of 4 -          Provide them the material. -          Read the material -          Teacher ask what it is -          Ask for three situations in which the collocation can be used. -          Then, create a role play with any situation.

Objective:Students will identify how and where use the chunk "look foward to" and produce it appropiately. Activity:-Read the materials in pairs-Ask them which situations the chunk is being used in the material-In which other situation the chunk can be used-Work in teams of 4 -They are going to be mixed up (all teams) and discuss about what are the partners.- Teams will create five sentences in order to use the chunk-Ask if they know other chunk with similar meaning

Objective:Linguistics otucomes (form and function):Teaching:How:Time:Level:Time:Setting the directions (need to be understandable).How relevant is the topic for students.

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