SHSU Concepts I Midterm Exam Guide - Final


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Kelly Zinn
Notas por Kelly Zinn, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kelly Zinn
Criado por Kelly Zinn quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

There will be a total of 50 questions covering the content that has been discussed in classes 1 thru 6. You will have 60 minutes to complete the exam. Below is a very basic start to what you can expect. As I work on the first version of the midterm exam for next Thursday's group, I will add a bit more detail & hope to do this over the weekend.  

Página 2

Class #1 Stabler-Haas (Fast Facts..) Part I: Your new life as a student nurse = 3-4 questions Dr. Barnes' Textbook Reading Strategies = 1-2 questions Success strategies Concentration Success Comprehension success Myths Journey Has Begun Journey Has Begun  

Página 3

Class #2 Stabler-Haas (Fast Facts..) Part II: Success in the Classroom = 3-4 questions Roux & Halstead (issues & Trends...) Chapters 1-2 = 5-6 questions Throughout antiquity Nightingale SON Nurse practice act IOM Future of Nursing Academic progression programs ADN Advantages of BSN Accreditation Curriculum basis Image  

Página 4

Class #3 = 6-7 questions Social Policy Statement, Chaps. 1-2  Code of Ethics, Provisions 1-2  Nursing Expectations Society’s expectations Purpose of SPS Professionalism Code of Ethics Provisions

Página 5

Class #4 = 6-7 questions Sitzman Chaps. 1-4 SON Mission, Vision, Philosophy, & Conceptual Framework Components of theories Types of theory Conceptual framework Theorists SON Conceptual Framework

Página 6

Class #5 Stabler-Haas (Fast Facts..) Part IV: Success at Home = 2-3 questions Roux & Halstead (issues & Trends...) Chapters 3 & 5 = 5-7 questions Nurse title Compact Profession Board purpose NCSBN Professional Organization Purpose Role of professional orgs  

Página 7

Class #6 = 7-9 questions Crucial Conversations (Reading & Assessment on BB) Roux & Halstead (issues & Trends...) Chapter 12 The “Healthy Nurse” Handling conflict poorly Crucial Conversation dialogue Crucial Conversation silence violence Handling Conflict Conflict Resolution Moral distress Healthy Nurse Evidence-Based Practice


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