
Tomar conciencia de la vida respecto a la muerte
Rebeca garcia nieves
Notas por Rebeca garcia nieves, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rebeca garcia nieves
Criado por Rebeca garcia nieves mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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introducción  ¿Qué sucede en la vida después de la muerte? (What happens in life after death?) Los 14 planos de existencia en el Universo (The fourteen planes of existence in the Universe) La vida después de la muerte, explicada por los científicos (Life after death, explained by scientists) Pruebas de vida después de la muerte (Life tests after death) ¿Dios juzga a cada persona por su vida?: EL cielo, el infierno y el purgatorio (Does God judge each person for their life? : Heaven, hell and purgatory)

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The innumerable recorded and investigated cases of past life experiences clearly point to life after death. In all recorded cases of reincarnations, it was discovered that there was a variable time interval between the person's death and his next reincarnation on Earth. So, where do we go after death until our next reincarnation on Earth? Is it a single plane of existence or is there a variety of planes? If so, what are the factors that decide where we are going after death? In this article, we present the answers to these and other questions on this topic. These answers have been obtained through spiritual research carried out by aspirants of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation-SSRF (Foundation for Research in Spiritual Science) that have a highly developed sixth sense (ESP).

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1.2 What happens in life after death?

Spiritual research has shown that the human being is composed of the following four basic bodies: Phisycal Mental Causal or intellectual supracal or subtle ego

When a person dies the physical body ceases to exist. However, the rest of his existence or consciousness continues. The existence of the person minus the physical body is known as the subtle body (linga deha) and is composed of the mental, causal (intellect) and supracausal (subtle ego) bodies. This subtle body then goes to one of the 13 subtle planes of existence except the plane of the Earth.

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1.3The fourteen planes of existence in the Universe:

There are 14 main planes of existence in the Universe. Seven of them are positive planes and seven are negative planes. The negative planes of existence are commonly known as Hell (Paataal). There are numerous subplanes within these main planes of existence:

Seven positive planes of existence: The planes of existence occupied mostly by living persons and subtle bodies that do right actions and are committed to spiritual practice according to the positive path of practice, are known as the seven positive planes of existence or saptaloka. By positive path, we mean the orientation of spiritual practice towards the realization of God, which is the summum in spiritual growth. The plane of the Earth is the only physical plane of existence in the Universe and is also the first plane of existence in the hierarchy of the positive planes of existence in the Universe.

Seven Negative planes of existence: These are planes of existence occupied mostly by subtle bodies that have done wrong actions and are dedicated to spiritual practice according to the negative path. By negative path, we mean that the orientation of the spiritual practice is directed to obtain spiritual power, that is, supernatural powers. This spiritual power is primarily used to strengthen control over others or for negative purposes. In this way, all the subtle bodies that go to any of the planes of existence of Hell, by virtue of their bad intentions, become ghosts.

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1.4 Life after death, explained by scientists:

This is life after death, explained by scientists After several studies, the physicist Sean Carroll explains that for there to be a life after death, consciousness should be completely separated from our body

If something distinguishes human beings from other animals, we all know that, at some point, our life will end; at least as we have known her up to now. There are numerous studies that support the theory that life after death does exist, but respected physicist and cosmologist Sean Carroll, a professor at the California Institute of Technology, says that the existence of anything after death is impossible.   The doctor says that "we know completely the laws of physics that underlie daily life", and everything has to happen in those margins. Carroll says that for there to be something after death, consciousness would have to be completely separate from our physical body.

Where is the conscience going? Doctors declare the death of the patient when he stops breathing, the heartbeat stops and brain waves are not detected for several seconds. Common sense tells us that once the organ fails, the blood no longer circulates to the brain and, therefore, the monitors can not detect any activity.    

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1.5 Life tests after death

You can be conscious even after brain death, something that previously was thought impossible, according to a recent study.

  It has been the largest study of the near-death experience ever made. Researchers from the University of Southampton studied for 4 years the experiences of more than 2,000 people who suffered cardiac arrest in hospitals in the United Kingdom, USA. and Austria. About 40% of those who survived heart failure experienced a certain awareness during the time between their clinical death and the restart of heart function. Thus, a man of 57 told the scientists that when clinical death came he was out of the body and could observe how the doctors reanimated him. He described in detail everything that had happened, which would be impossible without seeing it. "We know that the brain can not work when the heart stops beating," says Sam Parnia, director of the study published in the journal 'Resuscitation'. "But in this case the consciousness was kept at least three minutes after the heart stopped beating, although the brain usually dies at 20 or 30 seconds." Apart from observing what was happening around them, many people mentioned that they saw a bright light or the sun. Parnia believes that many people may have experienced something similar, but forget it due to medication or simply think that it is an illusion. "Many people thought that they had had a hallucination, but what they saw really corresponds to the real events," said Parnia, who hopes that future studies will allow us to know more about what happens to us after death

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1.6 Does God judge each person for their life? : Heaven, hell and purgatory

he Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that "death puts an end to the life of man as time open to the acceptance or rejection of divine grace manifested in Christ." "Every man, after dying, receives in his immortal soul his eternal retribution in a particular judgment that refers his life to Christ, either through purification, either to immediately enter the bliss of heaven, or to condemn himself immediately for ever » In this sense, Saint John of the Cross speaks of the particular judgment of each as saying that "in the afternoon, they will examine you in love".  

Heaven is "the ultimate goal and fulfillment of man's deepest aspirations, the supreme and definitive state of happiness." And St. Paul writes: "Neither has he seen, nor has he heard, nor has he passed through the thoughts of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him." (1Cor 2, 9). After the particular judgment, those who die in the grace and friendship of God and are perfectly purified go to heaven. They live in God, they see it as it is. They are forever with Christ. They are forever like God, enjoy their happiness, their Good, the Truth and the Beauty of God. This perfect life with the Holy Trinity, this communion of life and love with her, with the Virgin Mary, the angels and all the blessed ones is called heaven. It is Christ who, by his death and Resurrection, has "opened heaven". To live in heaven is "to be with Christ" (Jn 14: 3, Phil 1, 23, 1 Thes 4,17). Those who reach heaven live "in Him", even more, they find their true identity there. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1023-1026

Those who die in the grace and friendship of God, but imperfectly purified, although they are sure of their eternal salvation, suffer after their death a purification, in order to obtain the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven. The Church calls purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is completely different from the punishment of the condemned. This teaching is also based on the practice of praying for the dead, of which the Scripture already speaks: "That is why he commanded [Judas Maccabeus] to make this atoning sacrifice in favor of the dead, so that they would be freed from sin" (2). M 12, 46). From the earliest times, the Church has honored the memory of the deceased and has offered suffrages in their favor, particularly the Eucharistic sacrifice (DS 856), so that, once purified, they can reach the beatific vision of God. The Church also recommends alms, indulgences and works of penance in favor of the deceased.

  Does the hell exist? It means staying apart from Him-from our Creator and our end-forever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion of communion with God and with the blessed is what is designated by the word hell. To die in mortal sin, without repenting or accepting the merciful love of God is to choose this end forever. The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. The souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend to the underworld immediately after death and there suffer the pains of hell, "the eternal fire." The main penalty of hell consists in eternal separation from God in whom only man can have the life and happiness for which he has been created and to which he aspires. Jesus often speaks of gehenna and the fire that never goes out, reserved for those who, until the end of their life, refuse to believe and convert, and where one can lose both soul and body at the same time.   The affirmations of the Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility with which man should use his freedom in relation to his eternal destiny. They constitute at the same time a compelling call to conversion: "Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it; but how narrow the door and how narrow the road that leads to Life! and few are those who find it "

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 Life after death? The question that some of us ask ourselves. we must be aware that we are talking about life and death ... Consciousness is a quality of the Self whose function consists in realizing, knowing, knowing. Consciousness allows experiences to be integrated and understood in the realm of knowledge of each being. In my opinion, I believe that there are ways or places beyond life, not only because I am Catholic and believe in something, but very within me and my thoughts or reasons know that it is true. I accept the opinion of others by not believing, because it would be difficult to understand, but it is the same if we say that we believe in "faith", faith is based on believing in something we can not see, but we can trust that. My conscience would be calm if I knew that even if my father is in a nice place, listening to me. and seeing everything beautiful that I could form. Like others, let them know that their loved ones can still have them near, in some part of the world, of the universe, of the sky or of their hearts, that they are not so scientific, that they are not so hard with themselves.   RESUMEN DE CONCIENCIA Vida despues de la muerte? La pregunta que algunas de las personas nos hacemos. hay que tomar conciencia que estamos hablando de la vida y de la muerte... conciencia  es una cualidad del Ser cuya función consiste en darse cuenta, conocer, saber.  La consciencia permite que las experiencias puedan ser integradas y comprendidas en el ámbito del conocimiento de cada ser. A mi parecer, yo creo que existen caminos o lugares más alla de la vida, no solo por ser catolica y creer en algo, pero muy dentro de mi y de mis pensamientos o razones sabe que es cierto. acepto la opinión de los demás al no creer, porque sería dificil de comprender, pero es igual si dijeramos que creemos en la "fe", la fe se basa en creer en algo que no podemos ver, pero podemos confiar en eso.  Mi conciencia estaría tranquila si supiera que aunque sea mi padre este en un lugar bonito, escucandome. y viendo todo lo hermoso que eh podido formar. Al igual que los demás, que sepan que sus seres queridos aun los pueden tener cerca, en algun lado del mundo, del universo,  del cielo o de sus corazones, que no sean tan cientificos, que no sean tan duros con sigo mismos atte: REBECA GARCIA NIEVES


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