WW1 - Most effective weapon


Charlotte Baker
Notas por Charlotte Baker, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Baker
Criado por Charlotte Baker mais de 5 anos atrás

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Students will write a paragraph on the most effective weapon used in WW1 Give reasons for the answer, Use PEEL structure.

Machine Guns:   During WW1, the machine gun was the most effective weapon. Machine guns could shoot hundreds of rounds of ammunition a minute and the definitive military tactic of WW1 was infantry charge. Although many of the technologies that caused WW1's massive carnage existed ore the war began, they weren't effective when armies were on the move, therefore e machine gun was more effective. Due to the rapid fire, recent technology and practical use of the weapon at the battlefront of WW1, the machine n was the most effective weapon of WW1.


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