Básico: aprendiendo italiano a base de inglés


Idiomas (italiano, inglés y próximamente francés), literatura y linguistíca, psicología y artes. Idiomas (Básico) Notas sobre Básico: aprendiendo italiano a base de inglés, criado por Aquamarine! em 30-01-2015.
Notas por Aquamarine!, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Aquamarine! aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Personal pronounsThe subject pronouns in Italian are: Io - I Tu - Singular You Lui - He Lei - She Esso/Essa - It (archaic and literary) Noi - We Voi - Plural You / You all Loro - They (speaking of people) Essi/Esse - They (archaic and literary) The verb is always conjugated to match the subject, and the subject is only specified for clarity or emphasis.ArticlesArticles have to match gender and number of the noun they refer to.The singular determinate articles (the) are: Lo - masculine, used before Z, S+consonant, GN, and some rarer consonant clusters. Il - masculine, used before consonants except the above. La - feminine, used before all consonants. L' - an elision of the above used before vowels. The indeterminate articles (a/an) are: Uno - masculine, used before Z, S+consonant, GN, and some rarer consonant clusters. Un - masculine, used in all other cases. Una - feminine, used before all consonants. Un' - feminine, used before vowels.


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