Criado por samflint93
mais de 11 anos atrás
Lele (1991): In 1980 the international union for the conservation of nature coined sustainable development as a term, focusing on ecological preservation (diversity, living resources etc.), but did not deal with economic and political order. I.E. it dealt with the environment but not development. One current view is that SD is a process with ecological sustainability as a key objective. Repetto 1986 tried to express SD as: 1] scientific realities, 2] consensus on ethical principles and 3]consideration of long term self-interest. Bartelmus 1986: environmental degradation impoverishes those dependent directly on the natural environment for survival (subsidence farming/agriculture). Visa versa development must be mindful of this as the two are mutually reinforcing long term. SD must tackle these areas: 1] environmental degradation as is ultimately affects the entire population not just the poor, even if at different rates/times. 2] Traditional development including providing basic needs, productivity of resources and economic gain. 3] Participatory for the population. Weaknesses of SD theory include the fact that it has chosen to isolate certain factors but ignore others, furthermore conceptual inconsistencies exist internally on poverty, development and environment especially on how they are linked as a system.
Stockholm conference outlined 26 principles and 109 point action plan. 1972 - UN conference environment orientated. 1971, the Ramsar convention, primarily concerned with waterfowl and associated habitats but now extends into the realms of water quality, food production and biodiversity. 1972 - The world heritage convention, 140+ global natural heritage sites as of 2001 (dec). It has aided the awareness of environmental degradation issues and importance of nature. difficult to meet human needs in a strained environment. 1980's were slow economically, coupled with the realization of ozone degradation AND is connecting with health. World conservation strategy helped define environmentalism post Stockholm. It was envisaged that each country would undertake its own conservation strategies in line with the Stockholm conference. 1989 - IPCC established to publish about the science, predicted impacts and advise on policy to do with environmental degradation.
Multilateral environment agreements: Law of the sea, extending sovereign rights over fisheries, manage and conserve natural resources, cooperation regionally and globally, minimize marine pollution and restricting marine dumping by ships. The Montreal Protocol, The monitoring, managing and ultimatley reduction of ozone depleting substances, enforced by annual reports to UNEP. The Basal Convention, Reducing trans-boundary movement of hazardous waste, reduce overall and especially exportation to countries unable to properly deal with the waste.
1990's: Globalization a very contemporary issue and sustainable development becomes more understood. Fidel Castro (1992): ‘The solution cannot be that which bans the development of those who need it the most; the fact is that everything that contributes to underdevelopment and poverty is an open violation of ecology.' Persian Gulf Tragedy - oil slick. Ideas taken from 1980's and multi-stakeholder situations increasing accountability for disasters made progress towards reducing their occurrence in the first place.
The Earth Summit/Rio 1992: 176 governments and 100+ heads of state attended. 7 Major achievements: 1] Rio declaration 27 principles, 2] Agenda 21, 3] UNFCCC & CBD 4] Commission for sustainable development (CSD) 5] World desertification convention, 6] Principles for sustainable management of forests. Agenda 21: Initially and an ongoing global initiative, it has been imitated at regional and national scale for its effectiveness in social and economic issues, conservation and management of resources, strengthening the roles of major groups (women, youth etc.) and recommending means of implementation. UNFCCC - Kyoto protocol signed intended to stabilize/reduce greenhouse gases. CBD - the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources. Convention to combat desertification - Create national action program's using international cooperation.
World business council for sustainable development (1995):Encourages waste reduction and reduction of emissions to enhance business efficiency.The comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty:Prohibits all nuclear explosion tests in all environments.
The World Summit on sustainable development (2002):Aims to get disparate groups to work together for sustainability.
The 1987 Brundtland commission brought sustainable development into the public eye. It brought people from less and more developed countries together to pland long term environmental strategy for the international community
Summaries from many reports about the 'crisis': 5000 children die per day due to avoidable starvation, sanitation etc. Primarily due to poverty. 900 million live in situations where their food/water gathering is no longer sufficient. 15 million have been displaced. Loss of protective soil cover and forest means that arable land is degrading towards useless. Pop growth leading to compulsory migration and landlessness. 2/5 of the worlds pop live is sensitive areas where small climate changes will have disproportionate affects on their way of life.
Lele (1991)
UNEP (2004)
Elliot (2009)
O'Riordon (2000)
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