WHIG REFORMS 1830-1841
Significant Events 1830 NOV Wellington speaks against the need for parliamentary reform; resigns; Whig administration under Earl Grey1831 MAR First Reform Bill introduced to parliament APR Government defeated on amendment objecting the reduction of the number of MP's in England and Wales; parliament dissolves JUN Whigs return after General Election; second reform bill introduced to parliament OCT House of Lords reject bill; widespread riots in Nottingham and Derby as a result DEC Third reform bill introduced into parliament and passes its seconds reading in the Commons before chrismas1832 JAN William IV agrees to the creation of peers in order to ensure the bill is passed MAY Grey resigns due to opposition to Lords; Wellington forms an administration; king is compelled to ask Whigs to return JUN Reform Act passed JUL Scottish Reform Act passed AUG Irish Reform Act passed DEC Whigs win at General Election under the new franchise1833 Abolishment of slavery; Factory Act passed1834 Poor Law Amendment act1835 Municipal Corporations Act passed1837 Queen Victoria ascends to throne1841 Whigs defeated in General Election
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