Study Planning 3


CNA Cert Notas sobre Study Planning 3, criado por dwytsang em 11-10-2013.
Notas por dwytsang, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por dwytsang quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

 Ethics and Legal Issues  4 DAYS - Mar 5 - Mar 12

Ethical processes used:- consult- grid- decision-making process- lens

Issues:- withdrawing/withholding life-sustaining treatment (e.g., nutrition, hydration, ventilation,  transfusions, pacemakers) - advance directives; - do not resuscitate/code status;  - euthanasia/assisted suicide;  - futility;  - medical abandonment;  - palliative sedation; - transfusion, - pacemakers -  principle of double effect;  8.2i research at end of life;  8.2j resource allocation; and  8.2k truth telling/disclosure.

Informed decision-making: family & individual- advance/health-care directives, - guardianship and trusteeship, - - power of attorney, - proxy/substitute decision-maker, - assisted suicide

Professional Development and Advocacy 4 DAYS - Mar 13 - Mar 21

Professional Growth-  hx modern hospice palliative care movement- values and principles of hospice palliative care.-  Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association Norms of Practice and Hospice Palliative Care  Nursing Standards - impact of personal beliefs & values on care

Self care- stressors & coping strategies- debriefing, physical or social activities, peer support- multiple/ cumulative grief & losses- professional boundaries (palliative care nursing (e.g., role ambiguity, role strain, identification with person and family, awareness of personal vulnerabilities)- 

Barriers to research @ end of life


Ethics and Legal Issues

Professional Development and Advocacy


Study Planning
Study Planning 2
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