blood structure n' blood vessels - created from Mind Map


Notas sobre blood structure n' blood vessels - created from Mind Map, criado por Tafae Machimbiz em 09-11-2013.
Tafae Machimbiz
Notas por Tafae Machimbiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago Mais Menos
Tafae Machimbiz
Criado por Tafae Machimbiz quase 11 anos atrás
Tafae Machimbiz
Copiado para Nota por Tafae Machimbiz quase 11 anos atrás
Tafae Machimbiz
Copiado para Nota por Tafae Machimbiz quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

blood contains 4 substances within it ERYTHROCYTES__a.k.a red blood cells PLASMA__55% in blood__carries blood cells, dissolved waste n' nutrients__also carries hormones: heat, drugs,vitamins etc LEUCOCYTES__a.k.a white blood cells__they fyt diseases__release antibodies THROMBOCYTES__a.k.a platelets__produced in the bone marrow contain haemoglobin with O2__anemia is a result of a lack of thiz larger surface area__to collect mo O2 flexible membrane__inorder for it to pass thru capillaries larger size with no shape in order to swallow bacteria__phagocytes larger nucleus in order to sense foreign substances n' release antibodies__lymphocytes their job is blood clottin' when necessary e.g. when there is a cut in the skin very small n' light in order to pass thru the walls to stop excessive bleeding

blood vessels have a job of transporting blood to where it should go ATERIES__carry blood from the heart__made out of a tissue__thick walls but small lumen VEINS CAPILLARIES__very tiny_connect veins n' ateries__made up of endothiliam cells endothilium walls are very stretchy__high blood pressure stretchy walls to cope with the pressue carry blood to the heart__thinner walls with a very large lumen have valves to stop back flow of blood under gravity have gaps on the walls to allow diffusion of material between blood n' cells blood pressure is very low in comparison to aterries__also due to the thinness of their walls

blood structure n' blood vessels


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