R.E Check List


7 R.E Notas sobre R.E Check List, criado por bbrowning.45 em 13-11-2013.
Notas por bbrowning.45, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por bbrowning.45 mais de 11 anos atrás

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Yr 7 Yearly RE Exam Revision Our school, & its traditions Liturgical colours & meanings ( pg 138-145) PURPLE is the colour of penance and sorrow. WHITE is the colour of light. We believe Jesus is the light of the world. RED is the colour of blood and used to symbolise Christ’s death on the cross GREEN is the colour of nature and growth. Also and symbol of hope and life.     Lent ( pg 152 – 156 ) Ash Wednesday is the first day if Lent. On this day ashes are blessed and use to make signs of the cross on the forehead. This is a sign of penance. A public ceremony marking the beginning of lent with a ritual to signify sorrow for sins has been part of the Christian tradition for many centuries. When the ashes are distributed, a short message such as ‘ turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel’ is said as a reminder that we are starting our Lent journey Lent goes for 40 days and 40 nights. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and finishes on Holy Thursday.   Sacred Scripture - The Bible Within the bible there are different sacred stories which can be divided into the following The Bible – Page 8-10 ·         The bible was written by many people ·         The bible was written over thousand-year’ timeframe. ·         The Catholic Church teaches that God inspired the authors of the Bible to use their own skills, talents & experiences to reveal the divine plan of salvation. ·         The bible has presented truth about God in form that was not simply describing an event but is not exact. ·         The bible is important to the Church. ·         The bible is not a single book but a collection of books that contains different stories. ·         The bible is divide into 2 parts. The Old & New testaments. Books of New Testaments – groups ·         Gospels ( Matthew, Mark, Luke & John ) ·         Acts of the Apostles ·         Letters of St Paul ( Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians,  Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus & Philemon ·         Letters ( Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, Jude, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John ) ·         Revelation The Old Testament The Old Testament stories & types of writing   Types of books of the Old Testament ·         Pentateuch – Genesis & Exodus ·         Historical- Judges & Ruth ·         Prophets- Jeremiah & Daniel ·         Wisdom- Job & Psalms Name the books of Pentateuch ·         Genesis ·         Exodus ·         Leviticus ·         Numbers ·         Deuteronomy Styles of writing ·         Myth: in our attempt to explain how things came to be. ·         Legend: is a story, which tells about the lives of great and revered ancestors or figures in the past. ·         Parable:  a narrative story, which gives a message by putting it in terms of everyday life experiences ·         Narrative: a narrative is a story told in a series of gradually unfolding events or experiences. ·         Epics: these are stories told in a grand scale often involving a great hero. ·         Legal documents: list on instructions and guidance on ways of living that are often very detailed. ·         Poetry: describes God in evocative and imaginary language. ·         Proverbs: these are wise statements which guide us in how to live well and a life pleasing to God. ·         Prophecy: A message from God delivered by a prophet Covenants ·         God’s promise to Abraham was the land of Canaan, (the promise land). He also promised him that his descendants would number “ as many as the stars in the heaven” and that he would protect, reward and bless Abraham’s people     Tribes of Israel   o   What is the name of Abraham’s son?  Isaac o   What does God ask of Abraham? For his people worship God o   What does Abraham’s son think is going to happen?  He was going to be sold in to slavery o   How do you think Abraham would have felt as he went up the mountain with his son? He would of felt devastated o   Explain how Abraham pleases God in this incident? He didn’t kill his son but instead replaces it with a ram and he kept back his son and God was pleased with this he blessed Abraham with many descendants as stars in the sky o   Examine what we can learn from this account about our lives today?  To never sacrifice a human.     God, People and Creation Caring for Creation God created the earth, moon & the star.  He created air so we could breath & fire to keep us warm. He made rain so that we could have water to drink. God gave us love, care, wisdom, responsibility & power to help us. We should respect & Praise God for his creation. He entrust the care of all of creation to us now. Why people pray Types or prayers: ST Augustine calls prayer communication or talking with God. Prayer is a living relationship between God & us. Therefor a sense we are speaking with God. It’s important to prey so we can share our lives with God. Prayer is trust in God-By putting our hopes & fears before God in prayer we are trusting God will care for us. Prayer is God Speaking to Us: In prayer Gods speaks to us through silence that often brings with it a deep sense of peace. Ways of Praying Personal: Prayer is expressed in the relationship between God and the individual person. We come to know God by making prayer part of our daily life. Liturgical: Prayer is expressed in the celebration of the Mass and the Sacraments. The Eucharist is the greatest prayer where we meet Christ in a personal relationship. Communal: The power of communal Prayer unites individuals in the community with God. Sharing the sincere prayer of others helps the faith of all who gather to pray. Types of prayer Blessing: Recognises the close relationship between God humanity. Adoration: Expresses deep love of God, especially to Jesus present in the Eucharist. Petition: When people pray they often ask for things. This is one of the most common and heart-felt types of prayer, especially when it comes out of genuine need. Intercession: This is a type of prayer when we ask for something on behalf of someone else. Thanksgiving: This simply means thanking God. Praise: This type of prayer of recognises the power and majesty of God. Christian Ideals, Moral Decisions & Anti-bullying Golden Rules pg 175 The Jews had always been aware of the need to care for others. They expressed this in this way – “Do to no one what you would not want done to you”. Jesus consistently stressed the need to respect others. He said it this way. - “So always treat others as you would like them to treat you” Rights ·         The right to life ·         The right to food, water & housing ·         The right to express ourselves ·         The right to live where you choose ·         The right to practice our religion ·         The right to have a say in who governs us ·         The right to make our own decisions & not to be pressured by others ·         The right to be treated justly   Conscience The knowledge of right & wrong. It’s the ability to apply this knowledge in our lives.    

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