Criado por Mohamed Moudabir
aproximadamente 2 anos atrás
Novel Introduction A little summary about novel, author..... Professor said that we can use a Quotation in the Introduction of analysis 3 part in body First one is the what means that to mention the before and the after event of that passage, and what about that passage talk Second one is how Which use the grammatical and lexical elements that are part of speech(nouns, verb........) clauses(preposition clause, relative......) Phrases verb phrase , adj phrase...... Stylistics devices, personification, ....... Sentences, simple, complex.... Language, formal, informal, simple, complex, .... Haka mhm dk chi li fi passage Third one why Coherence, theme, critical about what you see about that passage what the author show us Conclusion Two lines as Hamzawi said He said right clearly, simply, he look about quality not quantitive Don't ask me in private this what I know!
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