Criado por psychokittyqueen
aproximadamente 11 anos atrás
Cash Receipt Journals Where you record all cash that has been received.
Cash Payments JournalWhere you record all transactions where cash has been paid out
Cash Book & Petty Cash The cash receipts journal and cash payments journal can be replaced by the cash book, which is simply a combination journal showing all receipts & all payments together Petty cash, which is simply a sum of cash on hand kept to pay small expenses, can also have its own separate journal
Sales Journal Where you record income on credit Debtor transactions
Complete trial balance
Shows profit or loss of a business Includes income & expenses Accounting period Usually 1 year
2.) The Statement of Changes in Equity Changes to owner's equity: Capital Drawings Profit: Income- Expenses
3.) Balance SheetWhereas the income statement and statement of changes in equity show changes over a certain period of time, the balance sheet shows the balances of assets, liabilities and owner's equity on a particular day
4.) Cash Flow A statement (report) of flows (both in & out of the businesses) of cash Includes: Operating Investing Financing Net Increase/ Decrease in Cash
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