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Criado por Emily Smerkiin
mais de 9 anos atrás
The Great Plains An area in the center of the US just east of the Rockies
Great Plains Tribes Numbered over 75,000 Depended on horse and buffalo
Buffalo Provided meat, shelter, clothing, and food
Horses Brought by Spanish Provide hunting and transportation methods
Treaty of Fort Laramie First major treaty between US government and Plains Indians Accepted Indian claims to land but allowed settlers to build forts and roads Promised that US would pay for land damage
Reservations Areas of federal land set aside for Native Americans
Reasons for Plains Wars Colorado gold rush led to boom in population that fought for land with Indians Forced onto reservations that had many problems
Plains Wars Leaders Red Cloud and Crazy Horse Sioux chiefs William Tecumseh Sherman US forces
The Plains Wars Red Cloud battled in Wyoming Crazy Horse ambushed and killed 81 cavalry troops
Massacre at Wounded Knee 150 unarmed natives killed Last major event in Plains Wars Natives surrender
Treaty of Medicine Lodge Southern Plains Indians agreed to live on reservations
Buffalo Soldiers African American troops sent to force natives to leave
George Armstrong Custer Lieutenant Colonel that found gold in Dakotas Black Hills
Sitting Bull Lakota Sioux leader that protested giving land to US
Battle of the Little Bighorn Led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull defeated Custer
Long Walk 300 mile march across desert to reservation in New Mexico Many perished along the way
Navajo Arizona and New Mexico forced on Long Walk
Nez Perce Northeast Oregon Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph "I will fight no more forever"
Apache Southwest Geronimo
Geronimo Raider that avoided capture for a while but later surrendered
Ghost Dance Religious movement that predicted arrival of paradise for the natives
Sarah Winnemucca First woman that stood in front of Congress and asked for improvements in reservations
Dawes General Allotment Act Gave 160 acres for families and 80 acres for individuals Promised citizenship Reality was that natives lost 2/3 of land
Frontier Undeveloped area
Comstock Lode Western Nevada Silver and gold deposit
Bonanza Large deposit of precious metals such as silver and gold
Mining was the Most Dangerous Industry in the 1800s Dangerous equipment, tunnels, air, and tools
Boomtowns Communities that appeared when mines opened and disappeared when they closed Popped up suddenly all around the mines Many problems with law and order
Cattle Kingdom Great Plains from Texas to Canada where cattle was raised
Cattle Drive Herded cattle to market or northern plains for grazing
Chisholm Trail Early and popular route for cattle drivers from San Antonio, Texas to Abilene, Kansas
Pony Express System of horseback messengers
Transcontinental Railroad Railroad that connected the continent from east to west
Pacific Railways Act Gave railroads loans and grants to pay for construction Passed to encourage transcontinental railroad Railroads were granted 5 miles of land on either side of tracks (10 miles total) People had to pay railroad company to travel on railroad People did not have means of settling far from railroads so build towns near tracks People had to pay railroad company to live in railroad towns Railroad companies became richer because of this
Union Pacific Railroad Worked from east to west Employed Irish immigrants Began in Nebraska
Central Pacific Railroad Worked west to east Employed Chinese immigrants Began in California
Joining the Railroads Met in Promontory, Utah
Result of Railroads Brought people and goods to West Allowed goods to be shipped back east (cattle and beef) More efficient travel (four days compared to one month) Railroads became biggest industry in country Steel became second biggest industry in country (making railroad tracks) Allowed telegraph lines
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