HOW A RELIGIOUS UPBRINGING MAY LEAD A PERSON TO BELIEVE IN GOD BEING BAPTISED- could give you a religious experience and confirm your belief. going to a C OF E or CATHOLIC SCHOOL- would be taught from a religious viewpoint as being factual, normal school life. PRAYING as a FAMILY before you EAT or GO TO BED- parents wouldn't pray if they thought it was not real. CELEBRATING RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS- e.g. Christmas as a family, explaining meaning and importance suggests factual events. GOING TO CHURCH OR SUNDAY SCHOOL EACH WEEK- worshipping God becomes a naturally acceptable event. FAMILY MEMBERS TELLING YOU ABOUT THEIR BELIEF IN GOD- child accepts parents word as truth.
ARGUMENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD - COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENTcausation (they are one and the same) - the argument that everything must have been started off by something else.this argument relies on "CAUSE AND EFFECT". everything that happens must have something that has made it happen. nothing happens by itself, everything needs a cause. therefore the universe must have a cause. only god could have caused a universe to come about. therefore there must be God.
ARGUMENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD - TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENT= design design= the idea that things with a function or purpose, must have been created for that purpose. William Paley- design of watch, requires a designer. to design something takes intelligence and thought. the universe shows evidence of design. DNA therefore a being with intelligence and thought must have designed only god could have intelligence and thought enough to design the universe. therefore, as the universe exists, god must excist.
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