Risk Management


Degree Software Projet Management (Risk Management) Notas sobre Risk Management, criado por elbruce em 11-12-2013.
Notas por elbruce, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por elbruce aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Risk management is the forcasting and evaulation of the risks that may be involved in the project as well as the action taken in order to reduce the risk or the impact.

Risk Examples that may be involved in a software project: Estimating - There is a risk that estimations have been under or over predicated and so the project may run over schedual  Hard drive failure - this may result in a loss of data Powercut Illness

Effects of Risks Increase Cost Damage of company reputation Decrease of quality  Injury (not likely in software)

Identify the Risk, the likelyhood of the risk occurring, the impact the risk will have on the project and what action (if any) is going to be taken to reduce the risk or the impact)

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