Women Against Violence (WAV) - created from Mind Map


Notas sobre Women Against Violence (WAV) - created from Mind Map, criado por anacapati2749 em 13-12-2013.
Notas por anacapati2749, atualizado more than 1 year ago Mais Menos
Criado por anacapati2749 quase 11 anos atrás
Copiado para Nota por anacapati2749 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

What is sexual assault? Forced/Unwanted Touching, fondling, or kissing Vaginal, ana, oral penetration Exposure and or flashing of sexual body parts

What is intimate partner violence Coercive and abusive behaviors abusive: emotional, physical, and sexual dominance, control, power threats, intimidation, isolation

Source of Domestic Violence Depression state of poverty alcohol abuse

VAWPP Services Resource and Victim Services Center Education and training programs

What is stalking A pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course conduct directed to a person that may cause fear Stalking behaviors repeated showing up uninvited to home, work, or classes repeatedly following or watching someone online

Cycles of Violence Phase 1: Tension building Phase 2: Acute Battering Phase 3: Honeymoon stage Back to phase 1

Reason for underreporting Fear of being victimized Victim-Blaming Lack of proof

Reasons why women stay low self worth love family pressure fear of escalation financial capability

Helping a victime of intimate partner violence Report incidents of violence Ask direct questions gently Provide information about local resources

Women Against Violence (WAV)


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