Test Study Guide for Chp. 1


There will be three parts to the study guide (Chapters 1-3). Today you are assigned Chp. 1 and you may use your textbook to help you.
Terri FLetcher
Notas por Terri FLetcher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Terri FLetcher
Criado por Terri FLetcher mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Introduction to Computer Programming w/ JavaChapters 1 Test Study Guide1. ________ is the physical aspect of the computer that can be seen. A. Hardware B. Software C. Operating system D. Application program2. __________ is the brain of a computer. A. Hardware B. CPU C. Memory D. Disk3. The speed of the CPU may be measured in __________. A. megabytes B. gigabytes C. megahertz D. gigahertz4. Why do computers use zeros and ones? A. because combinations of zeros and ones can represent any numbers andcharacters. B. because digital devices have two stable states and it is natural to use onestate for 0 and the other for 1. C. because binary numbers are simplest. D. because binary numbers are the bases upon which all other numbersystems are built.5. One byte has ________ bits. A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D. 166. Which of the following are storage devices? A. floppy disk B. hard disk C. flash stick D. CD-ROM7. ____________ is a device to connect a computer to a local area network (LAN). A. Regular modem B. DSL C. Cable modem D. NIC8. ____________ are instructions to the computer. A. Hardware B. Software C. Programs D. Keyboards9. Computer can execute the code in ____________. A. machine language B. assembly language C. high-level language D. none of the above10. ___________ translates high-level language program into machine language program. A. An assembler B. A compiler C. CPU D. The operating system11. ____________ is an operating system. A. Java B. C++ C. Windows XP D. Visual Basic 12. _____________ is a program that runs on a computer to manage and control a computer's activities. A. Operating system B. Java C. Modem D. Interpreter E. Compiler13. Java was developed by ____________. A. Sun Microsystems B. Microsoft C. Oracle D. IBM E. Cisco Systems14. Java ___________ can run from a Web browser. A. applications B. applets C. servlets D. Micro Edition programs15. ________ is an object-oriented programming language. A. Java B. C++ C. C D. C# E. Pascal 16. ________ is a technical definition of the language that includes the syntax andsemantics of the Java programming language. A. Java language specification B. Java API C. Java JDK D. Java IDE17. ________ contains predefined classes and interfaces for developing Java programs. A. Java language specification B. Java API C. Java JDK D. Java IDE18. ________ consists of a set of separate programs for developing and testing Java programs, each of which is invoked from a command line. A. Java language specification B. Java API C. Java JDK D. Java IDE19. ________ provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for rapidly developing Java programs. Editing, compiling, building, debugging, and online help are integrated in one graphical user interface. A. Java language specification B. Java API C. Java JDK D. Java IDE20. The main method header is written as: A. public static void main(string[] args) B. public static void Main(String[] args) C. public static void main(String[] args) D. public static main(String[] args) E. public void main(String[] args)21. Which of the following statements is correct? A. Every line in a program must end with a semicolon. B. Every statement in a program must end with a semicolon. C. Every comment line must end with a semicolon. D. Every method must end with a semicolon. E. Every class must end with a semicolon.22. Which of the following statements is correct to display Welcome to Java on the console? A. System.out.println('Welcome to Java'); B. System.out.println("Welcome to Java"); C. System.println('Welcome to Java'); D. System.out.print('Welcome to Java'); E. System.out.print("Welcome to Java");23. Java compiler translates Java source code into _________. A. Java bytecode B. machine code C. assembly code D. another high-level language code24. Suppose you define a Java class as follows:public class Test {}In order to compile this program, the source code should be stored in a file named A. Test.class B. Test.doc C. Test.txt D. Test.java E. Any name with extension .java25. Which of the following are the reserved words? A. public B. static C. void D. class26. Every statement in Java ends with ________. A. a semicolon (;) B. a comma (,) C. a period (.) D. an asterisk (*)27. A block is enclosed inside __________. A. parentheses B. braces C. brackets D. quotes28. Programming style is important, because ______________. A. a program may not compile if it has a bad style B. good programming style can make a program run faster C. good programming style makes a program more readable D. good programming style helps reduce programming errors29. If a program compiles fine, but it produces incorrect result, then the program suffers __________. A. a compilation error B. a runtime error C. a logic error30. If you forget to put a closing quotation mark on a string, what kind error will be raised? A. a compilation error B. a runtime error C. a logic error


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