refs page rels in java


Notas sobre refs page rels in java, criado por crusadersrule6 em 23-12-2013.
Notas por crusadersrule6, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por crusadersrule6 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1 The China Quarterly The China Quarterly / Volume 174 / June 2003, pp 451-467 Copyright © The China Quarterly, 2003 DOI: (About DOI), Published online: 21 July 2003Muslims in China live as minority communities, but many such communities have survived in rather inhospitable circumstances for over a millennium

exports to both China in the east andIndia and the Mediterranean area in the west. These trading links were toprove even more critical to the expansion of Islam in Southeast Asia than theyhad earlier been to the spread of Buddhism and Hinduism

after a long struggle with aHindu-Buddhist kingdom in the interior, to the rest of the island. From Demak,Islam was also carried (mhjpit)

The role of the state is to serve asthe guardian of religious law. Also a characteristic of Islam is the principleof religious equality.

but Muslim women are forbiddento marry non-Muslim men.

but Muslim women are forbiddento marry non-Muslim men.

Ironically, while the arts and learning were beginning to thrive in theWest, Islamic civilization itself declined. Various reasons have been advancedfor this phenomenon, including the influx of semibarbarous peoples intoIslamic lands, intellectual inflexibility resulting from rigid adherence tothe Koran's sacred law, and the despotic and eventually corrupt rule of suchMuslim dynasties as the Ottomans in Turkey, who destroyed most progressivepolitical and economic movements.

Attempts To Bridge The Differences Between Hinduism And IslamThe similarities in style and religious message between the Sufis, whosought to spread Islam to the Indian masses, and the gurus, who championedbhaktic devotion to the Hindu gods and goddesses, led to a number of attemptsto find common ground between the two communities. One of these attempts canbe traced in the teachings, recorded in the form of religious poems, of the15th century mystic Kabir. A man of humble origins who was raised by Muslimweavers in Banaras, one of the most sacred Hindu cities, Kabir played down theimportance of ritual differences between Hinduism and Islam.

Attempts To Bridge The Differences Between Hinduism And IslamThe similarities in style and religious message between the Sufis, whosought to spread Islam to the Indian masses, and the gurus, who championedbhaktic devotion to the Hindu gods and goddesses, led to a number of attemptsto find common ground between the two communities. One of these attempts canbe traced in the teachings, recorded in the form of religious poems, of the15th century mystic Kabir. A man of humble origins who was raised by Muslimweavers in Banaras, one of the most sacred Hindu cities, Kabir played down theimportance of ritual differences between Hinduism and Islam. with the name Ma He

While Zheng He's fleet was unprecedented, the routes were not. Zheng He's fleet was following long-established, well-mapped routes of trade between China and the Arabian peninsula employed since at least the Han Dynasty. This fact, along with the use of a more than abundant amount of crew members that were regular military personnel, leads some to speculate that these expeditions may have been geared at least partially at spreading China's power through expansion

he brought envoys from thirty states who traveled to China and paid their respects at the Ming court.[

Indonesia The Zheng Hoo Mosque in Surabaya. Indonesian Chinese have established temples to Zheng He in Jakarta, Cirebon, Surabaya, and Semarang.[91]In 1961, the Indonesian Islamic leader and scholar Hamka credited Zheng He with an important role in the development of Islam in Indonesia.[94] The Brunei Times credits Zheng He with building Chinese Muslim communities in Palembang and along the shores of Java, the Malay Peninsula, and the Philippines. These Muslims allegedly followed the Hanafi school in the Chinese language.[95] This Chinese Muslim community was led by Hajji Yan Ying Yu, who urged his followers to assimilate and take local names. The Chinese trader Sun Long even supposedly adopted the son of the king of Majapahit and his Chinese wife, a son who went on to become Raden Patah.[96] Amid this assimilation (and loss of contact with China itself), the Hanafi Islam became absorbed by the local Shafi'i school and the presence of distinctly ethnic Chinese Muslims dwindled to almost nothing.[97] The Malay Annals also record a number of Hanafi mosques – in Semarang and Ancol, for instance – were converted directly into temples of the Zheng He cult during the 1460s and '70s.[91] Modern scholarship[edit]

1 fundamental Confucian order

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numbers in china, December 31, 2013 1.13 pm

rels in java Historically, the region has been referred to as the East Indies, but we will use the term “archipelago” to include the modern nations of Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei and the term “Malay” as a comprehensive term to include the people, language and culture of these three nations.The pre-Islamic Archipelago had a Hindu ruling class over a Buddhist-Hindu-animist matrix. The first infusion of Indian elements into the Archipelago occurred during the reign of Ashoka (269-232 B.C.E.).

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