Criminal Profiling


How to become a Criminal profiler and the educational needs to become successful in the specific job
Notas por Shady06, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Shady06 mais de 10 anos atrás

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Sometimes known as criminal profilers, speecial agents working in the Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU) of the Federal Bureau of Investigations seek to identify personality traits of suspects. The profiles they create aid in catching the violent criminals befor they strike again. Getting a job in the BAU id very challenging, but if you have strong analytical skills and a interest of the inner workings of a criminal mind, a job like this might be worth the effort

Step 1.  Earn a bachelors degree (a Bachelor of Science should be more specific):a 4 year degree. First get a bachelors degree, then a masters degree which could take a year or two. The FBI doesnt require any specific degree but a degree in criminal justice, pshycology or a related field would help you gain knowledge of the law and the human mind.

Step 2. Participate in an internship. The FBI offers internships in the Behavioural Science Unit that can help you get hands on traing from special agents. Competition for these internships are high, but participating in one might increase your chance of being employed in the FBI later on.

Step 3. Gain work experience. The FBI requires special agents to have at least three years of related work experience. They recommend that people interested in the BAU have experience working with murder, abduction and sexual assult cases, so consider working for your local law enforcement agency as a homicide or persons investigator. This will give you experience working with violent criminals, as you will everyday if you get hired in the BAU.

Step 4. Apply to work in the FBI. You must be 23 to 37 years old, have excellent hearing and vision and in good physical shape to pass the applicaion proccess to work for the FBI. You must also past a polygraph test, a criminal background check, a drug test and a credit check in order to get hired.

Step 5. Complete FBI special agent traing. Once hired, you will have to undergo an intense 20-week training program for special agents at the FBI training academy in Virginia. You will learn about law, fornsics, investigative techniques and self-defence to prepare for work in the BAU.

Step 6. Gain experience as a special agent. before you can apply for the BAU, you must work as a general special agent for 3 years.

Step 7. Get assigned to the BAU. Apply for the role Supervisory Special Agent and request assignment at the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, NCVAC, where the BAU and the BSU are located. There are various specializations to choose from, inclluding crimes against adults, crimes against children, sexually based crimes, abductions, missing persons cases and terrorism/counter offences

Psychology is the scientific study of thee mind and behaviour in humans and animals. It looks at behaviour and experience and tries to understand and explain how these change throughout our lives. Psychologists are interested in the way biological and social factors influence the way we behave and how our interests and abilities differ from person to person. Pshychology is an experimental and observitational science and so the degree program has a strong emphasis on developing research skills. You will explore how we percieve our environment, how we communicate and how we think, learn and remember.

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