Philosophy Class 1A


January, 21, 2014
Notas por heinrichs.mark, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por heinrichs.mark mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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Chapter 1: What is Philosophy?Thinking Philosophically About LifeIt is systematic, critical, reflection of the way which we judge, live and act with the pursuit of wisdom.Philosophy as the "mother of all disciplines"The pursuit of wisdom rather than information, wisdom as the ability to use and apply said information.In true philosophy each generation should examine previous philosophers and try and revise or make better those thoughts and ideas. Philosophy sometimes referred to as a meta-discipline..."a higher discipline sitting above or giving meanings to other disciplines"A. Origins1. The impulse toward philosophy comes form the kinds of why questions that children often ask.2. It comes forrm the desire for synthesis and integrationB.Activity1. DOin philosiphy requires the activity of constant questiong and sidcussing beliefs with othersC. Conflict1. Philsophy is the dynamic-it requires going back and forth eto abalyze the mreits f opposing positionsD. Ultimate Aim1. Lofty goals, includeing liberty of mind, freedom from prejudice and well being of the soul.The Process of Critical ThinkingA. Initial Point of View1.Must start with an inital position on an issueB. Defining Point of View1. Definition of the teerms used in your statement of your point of view is crucial-we need to make our meaning preciseC. Examples for Point of View1. Examples to illustrate a point of view help explain our views for our readersD. Origin of Point of View1. Must always ask about the history of a point of view: How did I come to have this point of view?E. Assumptions1. Unstated beliefs often underlie stated points of view; we should check our position for assumpitions and decide whether or not they are fair assumptions to expect others to shareF. Reason, Evidence, Arguments for Point of View1. Now we can go on to supporting our point of view through reasons and evidenceG. Other Points of View1. Must always present and analyze the points of view of other thinkers who disagree with us on a matter2. Once we present the point of view fairly, we can respond to itH. Conclusion, Decision, Solution, Prediciton1. These are why we argue our points of view-to enable us to recommend a conclusion or solution, or to enable us to make a prediction or decisionI. COnsequences1. We should spell out what is likely to happen if people choose to adopt our conclusions

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