Design and Conduct of Observational Studies in Epidemiology- Lab Notes


Lab Notes for P8438
Notas por dh2652, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por dh2652 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

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This is team based learning activities. Jean Crook would be the TA. Today it is introduction to team based learning. Education normally teaches you what you will be doing in career. Career in epidemiology doesn't train you about how to teach epidemiology. Research and teaching career difference in the "evidence" part; evidence based teaching. Method made by Larry Michaelson and he did business but translated into medicine. Then this methodology will be in this class. (Business teaches you how to lead meetings and make productive.)Team Based Learning: 1. Smaller teaching role. 2. Small individual study.3. Team work4. Prepare for life time learners. Teams vs. Groups:Well functioning, learning groups are teams and same team over the semester. The team will also change character over the semester. There's individual accountability to the team. Schedule:1. Tuesday will be scaffolding. 2. Wednesday etc: At home reading. 3. Then there will be IRA (10 question quiz). After there will be a group discussion. 4. Retake same 10 question as a group. Then there will be immediate feedback. After we are all on same page, then big group discussion. 5. Team based application exercise which is a walk through to apply the concepts. There will be team discussion to fight for the answer. Grading: 5 IRA25 GRA 30 Peer review 



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