Health and Lifestyle


The first ever topic we did
Notas por Elizabeth_ella, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Elizabeth_ella quase 9 anos atrás

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What our body needs!

Nutrients are important substances that your body needs to survive and stay healthy. We get most of out Nutrients from food Carbohydrates - Provide energy Lipids (fats and oils) - Provide energy Proteins - For growth and repairVitamins - keep you healthy Minerals - keep you healthy Water - needed in all cells and body fluids Fibre - provides bulk to food to keep it moving through the gut (fibre is not a nutrient but is important for a healthy diet)

A balanced diet is eating food containing the correct nutrients in the correct amountsCarbohydrates - These are your main source of energy. They are found in sugary foods such as sugar and fruit, where they provide a quick source of energy. They are also found in starchy food such as pasta and bread. These foods have to be broken down by the body so the energy is released slower.Lipids - Lipids include fats and oils. They have three important jobs. keeps your warm, by providing a layer of insulation under you skin Protect organs like you heart and kidney from damage Provide you with a store of energy ProteinsProteins are needed to repair body tissue and to make new cells for growth your muscles, organs and immune systems are mostly made of proteins Vitamins and MineralsVitamins and Minerals are essential substances for keeping you healthy but you only need tiny amounts. Vitamins are needed for you to grow, develop and function normally. For example vitamin A is needed for good eye sight. Vitamin D is needed with the mineral calcium to maintain health teeth and bonesFruit and Vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals Water Your cells are made up of about 70% of water. To keep them healthy you need to constantly replace the water your body is losing. Your body can lose water in sweat, tears, urine and exhaling. You should drink ever a litre of water a day. This can come from drinking water but tea, fruit , juice and squash all count FibreFibre is a type of carbohydrate but is not classed a nutrient. However it is an important part of your diet as it adds bulk to your food. This means it keeps food moving through the gut and waste pushed out of the body more easily, helping to prevent constipation Summery Questions Match the Nutrient to it's functionCrabohydrate Growth and repairLipids remain healthyprotein provide energyVitamins and minerals provide bulk to foodwater energy store and insulation needed in cells and bodily fluidfibre (remember this is not a nutrient) 2. Describe the role of lipids in the body] 3.Explain in detail what is meant by a balanced diet. provide examples of what a balanced diet should contain


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