Final Study Guide


Chapters 12-23 (skip Chapter 14) 3 essays
Mary Messina
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Mary Messina
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CHAPTER 12: THE RECONSTRUCTION ERASection 1Explain why a plan was needed for Reconstruction of the South. govt./Congress could not decide how southern states would reenter the Union southern economy needed to be rebuilt the rights of former slaves were unclear Compare the Reconstruction plans of Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress. Lincoln --> 10% Plan (if 10% of state's voters took loyalty oath to Union, state could set up new govt.; if state's constitution abolish slavery and provided education for blacks, state would regain representation in Congress) Johnson --> southern states --> ratify 13th Amendment; draft constitution abolishing slavery Congress --> Civil Rights Act of 1866 (created federal guarantees of Civil Rights); if states refused 14th Amendment, state would lose seats in House of Representatives Discuss Johnson’s political difficulties and impeachment. blacks were not equal/should not vote states' rights to run its own govt. disaggrements w/Congress over southern blacks vetoed Civil Rights Act of 1866 tried to fire last Radical Republican in his cabinet w/o asking Senate House of Representatives failed to impeach him Section 3Explain why Reconstruction ended.Compromise of 1877 (Hayes --> president; federal troops removed from South; southerner appointed powerful cabinet position; southern states guarenteed money for building railroads/improving ports)Evaluate the success and failures of Reconstruction. successes --> restoration of Union; southern economy rebuilding/public school systems developing; blacks granted citizenship/votingrights/education/jobs/housing failures --> southern citizens in cycles of poverty; blacks persecuted/had limited voting CHAPTER 13: THE TRIUMPH OF INDUSTRYSection 1Analyze the factors that led to industrialization in the United States. U.S. had abundance of natural resources --> fuel for industry workforce grew with immigrating Europeans/Asians entrepreneurs fueled revoltuon w/funds govt. policies encouraged successes in businesses in late 1800s CHAPTER 15: THE SOUTH AND WEST TRANSFORMEDSection 3Analyze the impact of mining and railroads on the settlement of the West. mining towns developed in the West; people from around the world traveled to mine there govt. supported big mining companies who took over industry transcontinental railroad --> needed to transport goods; helped growth of towns/cities; provided a way to transport cattle meat Indian land was taken as a demand for it grew millions of farmers moved West CHAPTER 16: ISSUES OF THE GILDED AGESection 1Assess how whites created a separate society in the South and how African Americans responded. Jim Crow Laws --> kept blacks and whites separated (separate trains, cemeteries, parks, benches, restaurants, hospitals, etc.) voting was illegal/dangerous for blacks (poll taxes --> poor blacks could not vote ((could not pay tax to vote)); literacy tests --> most blacks had not recieved an education ((could not pass tests --> could not vote)); grandfather clauses --> person could vote as long as his ancestors had voted prior to 1866 ((no black man could vote during that time --> freed blackmen during this time could not vote)) Supreme Court cases disregarded blacks' civil rights blacks "fought" back (established black newspapers, women's clubs, schools and colleges, political associations) CHAPTER 17: THE PROGRESSIVE ERASection 1Identify the causes of Progressivism. industrialization urbanization immigration Analyze the role journalists played in the Progressive Movement.journalists revealed problems affecting America in the 1900s; helped bring about reformsCHAPTER 18: AN EMERGING WORLD POWERSection 1Identify the key factors that prodded America to expand. began to take more active role in world affairs began to acquire influence/territories outside continental borders (i.e. annexation of Hawaii --> imperialism) had a surplus of goods --> looked for new markets to raise prices (to avoid economy from sinking) worried that Europe would take over the world if America remained isolated Explain how the United States took its first steps toward increased global power. purchased Alaska from Russia ($7.2 million) --> almost 2x coutry's size; expanded its reach across Pacific annexed Hawaii (Americans established sugar cane plantations, quickly overthrew Queen Lilliuokalani) Summarize the chain of events leading up to the United States' annexation of Hawaii. merchant ships stopped there to East Asia; missionaires established Christian churches/schools established sugar cane plantations new law worried planters about sales suffering Queen Lilliuokalani got rid of Hawaii Constitution that gave power to white planters U.S. officials backed white planters --> overthrew queen; annexed Hawaii CHAPTER 19: WORLD WAR I AND BEYONDSection 1Identify the causes of World War I. militarism alliances imperialism nationalism Explain why the United States entered the conflict on the side of the Allies. U.S. maintained trade w/Britain and France Germany broke promises; continued sinking passenger ships Germany wrote Zimmerman note (unsuccessful, but ended American neutrality) Section 3Describe the aims of the Fourteen Points. peace w/o victory self-determination (right of the people to choose their own form of government) League of Nations (world organization established to promote peaceful cooperation between countries Understand “peace without victory”. peace inspired by noble ideas (not greed/vengeance) no reparations Explain why the United States Senate refused to ratify the treaty ending World War I. most senators --> isolationists Wilson and isolationists could not compromise on treaty Section 4Explain the Red Scare.fear that Communists were working to destroy American way of life.Understand how the war changed the United States' role in world affairs. U.S. --> leading economic world power; largest creditor nation lent money to Britain and France CHAPTER 20: THE TWENTIESExplain how the United States developed a mass culture during the 20s. automoblie (new forms of recreation; easier travel) radio (spread news more quickly) movies sports heroes work reduced hours and raised wages flaming youth (flappers) literature ("Lost Generation") CHAPTER 21: THE GREAT DEPRESSIONUnderstand how the stock market crash contributed to the Great Depression. more people had jobs/higher wages --> invested everything in stock; many bought on lower prices (promising to pay the rest later) stocks sold --> prices fell; so many stock sold, market crashed completely banks (who had invested in stock market) could not return savings to Americans; everyone lost money Analyze how the Great Depression effected many aspects of American life. unemployment rate: 3% to 25% in 7 years (those who kept jobs took pay cut) many unemployed/homeless schools closed almost 800,000 farms wer lost (bankruptcy) people relied on soup kitchens for food techonolgy/communication/transportation advances slowed CHAPTER 22: THE NEW DEALExamine the impact Franklin Roosevelt had on the American people after becoming president. New Deal programs (programs that fought against the Depression; some are still in use today)/First New Deal (relief, recovery, and reform) Social Security Act of 1935 (enacted programs to provie income/compensation to specific groups of people/workers) CHAPTER 23: THE COMING OF WARSection 1Explain how dictators and militaristic regimes arose in several countries in the 1930s. Germany and Russia were not apart of Treaty of the Treaty of Versailles (bitter towards peace settlements Italy and Japan had expected more land all wanted revenge from the end of WWI revolution, fear of revolution, and economic depression caused dictators to seize control Summarize the aggressive actions taken by regimes in Europe and Asia. Germany and Italy sent troops and seized controls of other European and some African areas Japan invaded and seized parts of China Analyze the response of Britain, France, and the United States to the aggressive regimes. nothing was done (appeasement --> paying concessions to avoid war; failed) no one wanted another WWI Section 2Explain how the United States became more involved in the conflict. Nuetrality Act of 1939 reports from the war in Europe gave Britain old warships to help w/ their defense Lend-Lease Act Section 3Explain why Japan decided to attack pearl Harbor, and describe the attack itself. to eradicate the American air and navel presence in the Pacific sank/damages 8 battleships, 3 cruisers, 4 destroyers, and 6 other vessels; complete surprise attack CHAPTER 24: WORLD WAR IISection 1Explain why the battles of Stalingrad and Midway were major turning points in the war. Stalingrad --> set Germany on the defensive and the Soviet Union on the offensive (forced Nazis to retreat; faced Hitler w/the terms that he could not conquer Europe) Midway --> ended Japanese advancement in the Pacific; ended threat on Hawaii/domination of the Pacific; set Japan on the defensive Discuss how the Allies put increasing pressure on the Axis in North Africa and Europe. Allies decided to increase bombing on Germany/invade Italy FDR announced Allies would only accept unconditional surrender (giving up completely w/o concessions Section 2Analyze the effects of the war on civil liberties for Japanese Americans and others. businesses/homes were attacked by mobs banks refused to cash checks grocers would not sell their food ordered all people of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast to go to internment camps Examine how the need to support the war effort changed American lives. rationing (limiting purchases of produts to make sure enough were available for military use) victory gardens (producing food for the war effort) buying war bonds TOTAL WAR Section 3Analyze the planning and impact of D-Day. Churchill, FDR, and Stalin agreed to open a second front in France massive invasion of France Allies gained small amount of land in France; gained a foothold in Europe Understand how the Allies achieved final victory in Europe. Battle of the Bulge --> used too many German resources' demoralized its troops; Allies pushed Germany out of France Allies closed in on Hitler; executed Mussolini Hitler lost control of the country/troops; committed suicide Germany surrendered ESSAYSSection 4Explore the reasons that President Truman dropped the atomic bomb against Japan.Examine how the Holocaust developed and its results.Section 5Analyze the major immediate and long-term effects of World War II.


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