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Elaine del Valle
Notas por Elaine del Valle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elaine del Valle
Criado por Elaine del Valle mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1


Go to sleep at least 7 hours before you have to wake up. I actually recommend more than that if you can get it, but if you can’t it’s not the end of the world. Even if you have less time than that, get some kip. Some kip is better than no kip. If you’re waking up for something specific, get up at least half an hour before you need to. This gives you time to wake up so that you’re not totally zombified by the time you get where you need to be. Drink water. Right when you wake up. Keep it next to whatever you’re using as an alarm. I have a water bottle that I keep on my desk at all times for studying anyways so this is a good habit to get into! It’ll wake you up and starts your daily water intake. Make your alarm loud, annoying and put it out of arm’s reach. Oh yes, that old age advice. Unfortunately, no matter how annoying it is, it does work. I used to use that loud annoying blaring nuclear alarm thing for my alarm and it worked wonders (rip my ipod). Have a good old stretch. Nothing to clear out the cobwebs like a stretch. Try and eat. If it’s super early, you might be one of those people (like me) that can’t eat right away after waking up. If that’s you, then make yourself a healthy and portable breakfast (cereal/snack bars, fruit) to have a bit later on when you’re travelling/after you’ve gotten ready. I usually eat breakfast on the bus, and it’s not just because I forgot! Get dressed asap. Cold from leaping out of bed? Well… that’s what clothes are for! They’re like mini, thinner duvets. Well, okay, not really. But the point stands. Don’t sleep in at the weekends. That might seen really counter-productive and well, it can be. If you go to sleep at 4am on Friday evening do not wake up at 6am the next morning. Rather, if you go to bed at a normal time, especially on Saturday evening, then get up at the same time or up to an hour later as you usually do on the weekdays. At first you might need an alarm for that, but eventually it’ll become habit anyway. Even throughout the summer holiday, I no longer can sleep in past 8am at the latest. Yup. (It actually makes me a 1000x more productive person as I can get everything done in the morning tho!) Don’t hit the snooze button. Believe it or not, it just puts off the inevitable. Don’t go back to sleep once you’ve woken up at the right time. It’ll just make you more sleepy. At the weekends, if you wake up really early but have nothing to do () you can lie in bed, read a book, watch some youtube videos. Going back to sleep right away can really mess up a sleep schedule. Know when you’re pushing yourself. If you are chronically tired because of your sleep schedule, get more of it. Discard some of this advice for some time and make sure you’re looking after yourself! Go to bed earlier if you need to, wake up later if you don’t have to be up so early. Nothing is more important than your health. (I’ve had depression for some time now, and that can really mess with sleep cycles. For me, that’s always meant ending up in bed extremely early to sleep more, and I still get up at the same time because I have to. If you don’t have to, don’t do it).


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