Criado por Georgieboi
quase 11 anos atrás
Acid + Insoluble BaseCrystallisation React acid with base Filter off excess/insoluble Base, and let the new liquid drip into an evader ating Evaporate, to concentrate solution using Bunsen burner (don't evaporate all liquid) Leave to crystallise
sulfuric acid + copper oxideCrystallisation React sulfuric acid + copper oxide Filter off excess/insoluble copper oxide Evaporate, to concentrate solution using Bunsen burner (don't evaporate all liquid) Leave to crystallise H2SO4 + CuO ==> CuSO4 + H2O
Acid + Soluble BaseTitration Put alkali into a conical flask and add an indicator (it has to be one that will shows the acid and alkali) Fill a burette with a recorded amount acid and slowly add it to the alkali, until the indicator shows you it has been neutralised. Note the amount of acid needed to neutralise alkali, and repeat the experiment without the indicator to get a pure salt Evaporate, to concentrate solution using Bunsen burner (don't evaporate all liquid) Leave to crystallise
Sulfuric acid + Sodium HydroxideTitration Put sodium hydroxide into a conical flask and add an indicator Fill a burette with a recorded amount sulfuric acid and slowly add it to the sodium hydroxide, until the indicator shows you it has been neutralised. Note the amount of sulfuric acid needed to neutralise sodium hydroxide, and repeat the experiment without the indicator to get a pure salt Evaporate, to concentrate solution using Bunsen burner (don't evaporate all liquid) Leave to crystallise H2SO4 + 2NaOH → Na2SO4 + 2H2O
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