

Introduction to Marketing (Ethics) Notas sobre Ethics, criado por SHMcClure em 01-05-2013.
Notas por SHMcClure, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por SHMcClure mais de 11 anos atrás

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Definition: The Science of Morals, the department of study concerned with the principles of human duty.The moral principles or system of a particular leader or school of thought.The whole field of moral science, including the science of law whether civil, political, or international.

Types of Ethics Normative Ethics: Concerned with the rational inquiry into standards of right and wrong (i.e. norms) Good or Bad. What ought to be accepting by a class of individuals. Social/Religious Ethics: Concerned with what is right and wrong, good or bad. Makes implicit claim to general allegiance to something (e.g. God)Positive Morality: Knowledge that is generally adhered to by a social group of individuals concerning what is right and wrong, good and bad etcDescriptive Ethics: The study of the system of beliefs and practices of a social group from outside that groupMetaethics: Form of philosophical inquiry which treats ethical concepts and beliefs systems as objects of philosophical inquiry in themselves

Marketing Ethics Definition: The analysis and application or moral principles to marketing decision making and the outcomes of these decisions.

Sustainable Marketing: Attempt to broaden the concept of marketing, beyond simple economic development.Concept of 3 E's Ecological - No negative impacts upon the environment Equitable - Not facilitate the promotion of inequitable social practices  Economic - Encourage long-term economic development as opposed to short-term

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Responsibilities which go beyond the production and sale or goods and services  Help to solve social problems, esp. those they helped to create Broader constituency that just shareholders Big impacts outside of business transactions Wide range or Human Values

Drivers of Ethical Marketing Increased belief that CSR brings good business performance Government Legislation Globalization Rise of 24hr Media globally

Normative Approaches in Ethical Decision Making Managerial Egoism: Approach that recognizes that a manager ought to act in his/her best interests. Action is right it it benefits said manager. Utilitarianism: Approach developed by Jeremy Bentham, which suggests decision is right it utility is maximized, and pain/suffering is minimized. Deontological Ethics: Decision is not judged to be right or wrong solely on the consequences of that action or decision. Virtue Ethics: Approach associated with Aristotle, which stresses the importance of developing virtuous principles 

Determining an Ethical ActionLaczniak and Murphy 1993Series of questions Legal Duties Obligations Consequences Utilitarian  Rights Justice 

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