What happened to the Weimar Republic ?


GCSE History (Germany 1919 -1945) Notas sobre What happened to the Weimar Republic ?, criado por 9arush em 23-03-2014.
Notas por 9arush, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por 9arush mais de 10 anos atrás

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What happened to the Weimar Republic

1919 - Treaty of Versailles Forced on Germany - they were not allowed to attend peace talks Germany's colonies were removed the German army was significantly reduced - 100,000 soldiers they had to pay huge reparation they had to sign the war guilt clause allied troops occupied the Rhineland German people hated their governments decision to sign the treaty

1919 - 1920 - Left Wing revoltsThe Spartacist Uprising - 1919 Who ? - A communist group set up by Rosa Luxemburg & Karl Liebknecht What ? - Tried to turn a protest into revolution but there was no support from workers and the army was called in to stop the violence Why? - they did not trust that the government ( Ebert) would improve the lives of the working class Success ? - No, the uprising was badly planned, it lacked support and both leaders were killed The Red Rising - 1920 Who ? - Groups of workers led by communist party members What ? - 50,000 workers marched into the Ruhr & took control of raw materials. The army were called in and over 1000 workers were killed Why ? - They were unhappy with the bad pay and conditions Success ? - No, the revolt lacked clear leadership, it lacked widespread support and had no clear plan meaning overall it didn't threaten the republic

Right Wing RevoltsKapp Putsch - 1920Who? - Freikorps led by Wolfgang KappWhat? - 1200 Friekorps marched into Berlin causing the government to flee, they then put Kapp forward as Germany's new leaderWhy?- the government had ordered the Freikorps to disbandSuccess? - No, Kapp failed to win enough support making it impossible for him to rule and left Berlin after 4 daysMunich Putsch -1923Who ? - The Nazi Party (55,000 members) and General LudendorffWhat ?- The Nazi's intended to make Ludendorff leader so they took control of a meeting that was being led by Kahr the leader of Bavaria and forced him to agree to their plan Why ? - Hitler believed that democracy led to a weak government and that there should only be 1 party and 1 leader.Success ? - No, the government responded very quickly due to the bad planning of the putsch leading to the arrest of the leaders

The Invasion of the Ruhr - 1923Germany misses reparation payments to Belgium and France causing the to invade and take control of materials German Government orders the people to passively resist them -> this led to hyperinflation and a rise in unemployment Stresemann was eventually put in charge and set about repairingg germany by calling an end to the strike and persuading the allied troops to withdraw

How did Hitler become Chancellor ?The Bruning Government (1930 -1932)Hadn't succeeded in solving Germany's problemsBruning wasn't popular -> Von Schleicher persuaded Hindenberg to get rid of Bruning The Von Papen Government Only had 68 supporters in the Reichstag Nazi party was the largest in the Reichstag but Hindenberg didn't trust HItler as Chancellor  Hitler stood against Hindenberg as President - > Hindenberg won  Von Papen organised another election -> he lost even more support The Von Schleicher Government Chancellor for 2 monthsHindenberg had no choice but to appoint Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933

How did Hitler become President ?when Hindenberg died Hitler took over his duties as well making a new position in the process that he called 'The Fuhrer'

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