Responsibility for Beginning of Crimean War


A Levels History Notas sobre Responsibility for Beginning of Crimean War, criado por emmakidd em 23-03-2014.
Notas por emmakidd, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por emmakidd mais de 10 anos atrás

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Tsar Nicholas caused a series of miscalculations that led to confrontation

Exaggerated sense of honour and nationalism - rejected several attempts to resolve the crisis in 1853 - 4

Radical MPs (Cobden and Bright) believed demands by Russia reasonable & that issues are not necessary for Britain to go to war

Figes: Crimean War 1st ever that started to please the British public as there was a great deal of RussophobiaHowever, Britain went to war to stop Russia from dismantling Ottoman empire and seizing Constantinople

Extremely divided coalition government - Palmerston hostile and anti-Russian- Aberdeen pacific and anti-Turkish Arguments that if they were one or the other, war would have been averted

Raised issue of Holy Places - caused more antagonism surrounding Russia/France/TurkeyNapoleon III was playing to the gallery at home and didn't care about consequences

Warlike intentions - Western intervention meant they had an opportunity to stand strong against Russia

Russian Responsibility

British Responsibility

French Responsibility

Turkish Responsibility


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