Criado por demi_preece123
quase 11 anos atrás
Copiado para Nota por demi_preece123
quase 11 anos atrás
SOLE TRADER minimum 1 owner keep all the profits invest their own capital unlimited liability
RETAIL CO-OPERATIVE group of people supplies customers with lower prices lacks loyalty from members
PARTNERSHIP (minimum) 2-20 owners shared responsibilities shared profits & hours 1 sleeping partner unlimited liability
PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY (minimum) 2-50 owners manufacturer or chain of retailers high legal standards capital (investors) shares shared equally - dividance
PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (minimum) 2 owners - unlimited maufacturer or chain of retailers original owners may lose control - can be sued £50,000 minimum share capital limited liability
WORKERS CO-OPERATIVE self managed by workers ignores others abilities and skills open market
Business Legal Structures
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