The Spanish War of Independence - created from Mind Map


4º de ESO Historia de España Notas sobre The Spanish War of Independence - created from Mind Map, criado por Lorena M em 24-11-2016.
Lorena M
Notas por Lorena M, atualizado more than 1 year ago Mais Menos
Lorena M
Criado por Lorena M aproximadamente 8 anos atrás
Lorena M
Copiado para Nota por Lorena M aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

All Starts with the treaty of Fontainebleau (1807)

Had very devastating consequences

Which allowed the French to cross Spain in order to invade Portugal

But Napoleon took advantage and invade some parts of Spain

As a consequece Godoy, tries to move the royal Family to Sevilla to scape to Latin America

Godoy was Carlos IV's most important minister, considered an "afrancesado"

This provoked The Aranjuez revolt in March 1808

Carlos IV and his son Fernando VII moved to Bayonne, they rennounced to the Throne of Spain, which Napoleon gave to his brother

Who was Joshep Bonaparte, also known by the spanish people as Pepe Botella

He imposed the Bayonne constitution: That included Enlightenment reforms, as the equality, payment of taxes, abolished the Spanish Inquisition.....

But the Spanish people didn't support him

So, the 2 of May of 1808 people in Madrid rose up against the French ocuppation.

The war starts

In 1808 Spain won some battles as Bailén

From 1808-1812 Napoleon arrives to Spain, the french ocuppied all except Cadiz and the Guerrilla Warfare began

From 1812-1813 Spain allies with Great Britain, led by the Duke of Wellingtong.

FInally Napoleon was defeated in 1813 and he signed the Treaty of Valençay and Fernando VII became kinG

The central council moved to Cadiz and formed the Cadiz Cortes, that made in 1812 The FIrst Spanish Constitution

The constitution also known as La Pepa wanted: Constitutional monarchy,Separation of powers,Catholicism as the official religion,liberty and freedom and a limited male suffrage

This put and end to

Cities were destroyed

Agriculture was abandoned

Almost a million of people died


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