Judging Art/Reflecting on Art - Olivia Karlsson


International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge Notas sobre Judging Art/Reflecting on Art - Olivia Karlsson, criado por OliviaMariaKarlsson em 08-04-2014.
Notas por OliviaMariaKarlsson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por OliviaMariaKarlsson mais de 10 anos atrás

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1.     You need to decide which piece is your favorite and why. My favorite is the Acrylic on Canvas. I like it because of that it is a drawing but almost looks like a picture. I think that paintings with water is often very beautiful and often with a sense of harmony. I also like it because it is simple.   2.     Which piece is your least favorite and why. My least favorite is the cow in the cube by Damien Hirst. I think it is because I don’t understand it and also because it’s weird, it doesn’t give me anything as an observer. I would say that it is art, but I don’t like it.   3.     Which was created by the most talented artist and why. I would say that it depends on how talented is described. A talent can be to have really good technique, drawing difficult objects, using different materials or to be creative. One piece of art can be made by the most talented artist, in that persepective. In another perspective another piece of art is made by the most talented artist. It depends on the perspective and also on the observer’s own beliefs and values for the different arts.   4.     Which was created by the least talented artist and why. Same concept as above. It all depends on the perspective of talent and the observer’s own beliefs and values. 5.     Are there any pieces that you would not consider to be art at all? Why? I believe that all are arts, different ways of art, but all are arts. 7.     Which piece provoked the biggest emotional response in you? Do you know why? It is very hard to choose. All the pieces give me different feelings. But I would have to say Damien Hirst’s cow. I just look at it and don’t understand, I almost feel a bit irritated by looking at it. It is the piece that gives me the biggest negative emotional response.   8.     After studying these pieces can you find a universal standard in art? It is very hard. A purpose with art is to give the observer an emotional response.

Judging Art

Reflecting on Art

When reading a novel the ways of knowings used is language and emotion. The language is used to read and understand what the author is writing. The emotion is used because the author wants the reader to feel emotions, with the use of emotions the reader will continue to read. It is the emotion of the reading that causes the reader to read the novel. If it is a detective story, the author wants the reader to try to figure out who he murder is, and for that reason is used.A song is almost the same thing. The writer wants the listener to feel emotions and idenitfy themselves with the lyrics. The ways of knowing is emotion and language. If I as a listener identifies with the lyrics and feel emotional when listening to the song, the writer has succeeded and I will continue to listen to it. 

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