Quick Fire Notes


Medicine Through Time - Quick Fire Knowledge Test
Rachel I-J
Notas por Rachel I-J, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rachel I-J
Criado por Rachel I-J mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Prehistoric Man Spirits Shamen Treffanning Nomadic Some Herbs Mediine Men Wild Animals - Injury Cave Paintings Fit from Exercise No sugar ill left behind - survival of the fittest Lots of child bearing deaths sacred items witch doctor hole in the head - released evil spirits

Eygptians Embalming Channel Theory Gods/Religion Method of Writing / Papyrus Trade Communication Specialist doctors settlements toilet cleanliness quaterising etc. lead to basic knowledge of anatomy but not much due to religious beliefs.

Roman Medical Schools Public Health Aquaducts Toilets Strong Army Strong Government Miasma Physically Fit/Gladiators Galen  Dissection - not human  Jaw Pig, brain not heart controlling  Holes in septum

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