
G671- Ethnicity and Hybrid Identities
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WHITE- 86% ASIAN- 7.5% BLACK- 3.3% MIXED- 2.2% OTHER- 1%

The seven features of ethnicity; Common descent- colour or other racial characteristics  Language Traditions and rituals - norms + values Religion History- some cultures have a shared history Geographical origins- place of birth Experience of racism

BANTON- Ethnicity is something everyone hasFENTON- Ethnicity,race and nationality interline and overlap.ASSIMILATION- Means to become the same.This assumes that immigrants to the UK would become assimilated into the host culture.They would abandon their own norms + values.Therefore culture is not fixed but changeable.


MODOOD- For Pakistani & Bangladeshi religion was very important in life in comparison to whites where only a few people thought the same.AGENCIES OF SOCIALISATION Education Family Religion Mass Media Parents Peer groups  Work force MASON- SCHOOLS ARE ETHNOCENTRIC- This means that the schools curriculum and practices are based on the dominant culture.Ethnic identity is shaped by the formal and informal curriculum; 


INFORMAL CURRICULUM; Clothes Assemblies  Food

GILLBORN & MIRZA- argue that institutional racism is embedded into the hidden curriculum. Ethnocentric curriculum particularly in History,Literature and science.It rarely acknowledges multiculturalism. Textbooks focus on achievement of white people.There is an invisibility of black role models. There is a lack of ethnic minority role models in both teaching and management. There is evidence governors give low priority to racial issues The education system is accused of not catering for ethnic minority norms and values.For example,teachers encourage a critical inquisitive attitude amongst their students in Religious Studies(GHUMAN).This undermines much of what young Muslims are taught;- Some said that they experienced racism from their teachers.Also racism from both White and Black peers.Due to this they had low aspirations and low self-esteem.MAC AN GHAIL- Carried out a study of 25 African Caribbean and Asian students studying A-Levels.He found some teachers held racist attitudes.Later he found that in response to the racism students developed survival strategies to resist negative labelling.Therefore ethnic minorities create subcultures as a means of protecting themselves.


Jacobson studied young Pakistanis and found religion as crucial to creating their identity.MODOOD- Questioned two generations of Asians/African-caribbeans and whites on how important religion is to their lives.Asian communities claimed that religion is very important in shaping their identity.It affects food,dress and norms & values; very fed Asians marry across religions or castes(different ethnicity).Modood claims that that Du Bois(theorist) predicted that C20 would be the time of divide between black + white.The C21 has shown religious divide between Muslims/Non-muslims.The current terrorist attacks are an example.African-Caribbean community is more religious than white community.Sociological evidence suggests a great deal of involvement from young and old generations.Evangelical and Baptist churches encourage workship.Afro-caribbeans are attracted by religious sects like Rastafarianism + Seventh Day Adventists.Rastafarianism is known to have anti-white belief and smoking is seen as a rebellion to white authority.Rastafarianism could be linked to racism.


GILLESPIE- Media helps shape ethnic identities through allowing dispersed communities to keep in touch with cultures.TV shows like characters in soaps recreate the culture in Britain.He also found that British Punjabis use the media to redefine their ethnic identities.GILROY- He argues that young African-Caribbean often adapt identities based around influenced media role models such as 50 cent or So Solid Crew. Gangsta rap is accessed through MTV and are powerful influences.The media are responsible for creating hybrid cultures.Hybrid culture- mixing of cultures and borrowing aspects of identity;  Music Food Clothing


The family teach ethnic identity through socialisation.BALLARD + BALLARD- studied Sikh's in Leeds and found that families are centred for creating and reinforcing ethnic identity.They give the family name- surname often illustrate ethnicity.Families socialise members into dress,language,religion marriage.Examples include,wearing a turban when you're a Muslim.BUTLER- Studied teenagers in East Midlands.She studied second and third generation Muslim girls.She looked at their attitudes and beliefs.She found that family is important in shaping the identities of young women.While they want their independence through education and a career they do not want to break family links.Islam is important to them and they still often follow parental rules.


Ethnicity can affect employment.In general,Pakistani,Bangladeshi and Black African men,are very low paid or underemployed when compared to White British men. There is institutional discrimination.People who are trained in different environments may not understand British workplace culture and be passed over for promotion. LUCINDA PLATT(2007)- found that ethnic minority workers do not have access to informal social networksCLARK AND DRINKWATER(2007)- suggested that many Asians in particular prefer self-employment in relatively low-paid sectors of work such as taxi-driving and catering,rather than face discrimination in the wider employment sector.SONG(2003)- Song found that many Chinese that live in Britain are employed in the food industry.This shows how occupation is affected by ethnicity.At the same time it shows how important the family are for socialising its members into occupational.Likewise over a third of doctors in the NHS are described as Asian.For many families this brings high status and income.Asian families also value education which will have an impact.


10 GLOBAL COMPANIES; McDonalds Nike Apple Coca-cola Subway Starbucks Coco-channel Gucci Prada Adidas 

The UK is culturally diverse and hybridity refers to a mixing of cultures.A good example is shown through food.Ethnic cultures change over time and they borrow from each other.This creates hybrid(mixed) lifestyles and identities.GLOBALISATION- The world has become a smaller place,a global village.This has resulted due to international travel,patterns of migration and the media.- MCLUHAN.

BUCK- Found that hybrid identities were common in young people because they are in a transitional stage where they are constructing new identities.Therefore they try out 'cultural masks'.This includes experimenting with cool language,walking and especially music.These hybrid identities bought black and white people close together.This study was on a housing estate in London,where there is a great deal of interaction and mixing between the ethnic groups.It shows a blurring of the lines of race and identity.JOHAL- Found that hybrid identities are so Asians can fit in.Johal claims that some Asians adopt a 'white mask'.He found that second and third generation Asians will inherit Asian identity but adopt a British one.They do this in order to interact with white peers but can and will emphasise their cultural difference when needed.BURDSEY & BLACK- Study of Asian footballers also support Johal.Asians code switch between two identities.They have a traditional identity with their family but a more westernised identity with their peers.Again it is to fit in.BUTLER- Studied Muslim girls (their generation) and found that some choose to wear traditional dress to reflect their ascribed position whilst other negotiate the position.This may mean adopting western ideas about education and careers but retaining respect of traditional religious ideas about the role of women.


Hybrid Identities


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