Galapagos Islands- Eco Tourism Case Study


AQA GCSE Human Geography Sustainable Eco Tourism Case Study
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The Galapagos Islands- Ecotourism Case StudyEnvironmental Benefits of ecotourism Tour Operators Association has collected $83,000 in donations from tourists so far Trips are restricted to 2 weeks for boats, this means that there is less damage as less people visit the sites $25 of the $100 admittance fee goes to the preservation of the islands Only ships for 10-16 people of permitted to lessen the risk of oil spills Only 1% of the national park are land sites, so the rest is protected Most accommodation is eco-friendly e.g Ecolodge built in 2011 from locally sourced materials Ecolodge purchases most foods from local farms, reducing its carbon footprint Benefits to the economy of ecotourism In 2006 $143 million was generated from tourists People are prepared to pay high costs when visiting Local fisherman saw a 5% increase in their income due to hotels buying more of their fish Many hotels are owned by local families, and employ many local people e.g as tour guides or park rangers Benefits of ecotourism to the local people Tourism creates jobs Tourists can volunteer to stay a month and help educate local people- 65% of the money from this funds new resources There are jewelry shops where tourists can buy locally made goods  

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