There are a few features that can be added to mobile phones that make them more suitable for elderly people. First of all you can have big buttons on phones so that they are more easily visible and easier to press. This makes it so that people who may not be able to precisely press buttons more able to use them, and they are easier to see. You also have the 'speaker' feature on phones. This is a feature that has been out quite a long time, and this makes your calls much louder, and you can talk into your phones microphone from a further distance. This will help people with less hearing ability as it is louder. Next, when making a mobile phone designed at elderly people, they might want it to be simple so you wouldn't have to put features on it such as cameras, WiFi and so on, so that it is much easier to use. A final feature that you could add is a help/emergency button, so if they are ever in need they can just press a single button and then it will be sorted,
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